原文链接:https://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ Understanding LSTM Networks Recurrent Neural Networks Humans don’t start their thinking from scratch every second. As you read this essay, you understand each word based on your understa…
Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks 作者信息:Kai Sheng Tai Stanford UniversityRichard Socher MetaMindChristopher D. Manning Stanford University 数据: 1)Stanford Sentiment Treebank 情感分为五类 2)Sentence Involvi…
今天和陈驰,汪鑫讨论了一下,借此记录一下想法. 关于这篇论文,要弄清的地方有: 1.LSTMtree到底是从上往下还是从下往上学的,再确认一下 2.关于每个节点的标注问题 3.label的值到底该怎么定 4.该神经网络的输入形式到底是什么 今天晚上对照了目前学习的两篇LSTM论文,新的发现: 之所以顺序一个是从上到下,另一个是从下到上,仅仅是因为ht取的东西不同! Improved semantic那一篇:ht取的是孩子节点的信息(目前仅看了child-sum,还需确认N-ary) Top-do…
两种形式的LSTM变体 Child-Sum Tree-LSTMs N-ary Tree-LSTMs https://paperswithcode.com/paper/improved-semantic-representations-from-tree…
长时依赖是这样的一个问题,当预测点与依赖的相关信息距离比较远的时候,就难以学到该相关信息.例如在句子”我出生在法国,……,我会说法语“中,若要预测末尾”法语“,我们需要用到上下文”法国“.理论上,递归神经网络是可以处理这样的问题的,但是实际上,常规的递归神经网络并不能很好地解决长时依赖,好的是LSTMs可以很好地解决这个问题. 原理不再介绍. keras.layers.LSTM(units, activation='tanh', recurrent_activation='hard_sigmoi…
转自:http://www.asimovinstitute.org/neural-network-zoo/ THE NEURAL NETWORK ZOO POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 BY FJODOR VAN VEEN   With new neural network architectures popping up every now and then, it's hard to keep track of them all. Knowing all the a…
转载 - Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 4 – Implementing a GRU/LSTM RNN with Python and Theano The code for this post is on Github. This is part 4, the last part of the Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial. The previous parts are: Recurrent Neural…
图文并茂,讲得极清晰. 原文:http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ colah's blog Blog About Contact Understanding LSTM Networks Posted on August 27, 2015 Recurrent Neural Networks Humans don’t start their thinking from scratch every second. As y…
摘要: 1.算法概述 2.算法要点与推导 3.算法特性及优缺点 4.注意事项 5.实现和具体例子 6.适用场合 内容: 1.算法概述 长短期记忆网络(Long Short Term Memory networks) 通常叫做 "LSTM",由Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1997)提出,一个LSTM Cell图示如下: 现在,我们先来定义一下用到的符号: 在网络结构图中,每条线都传递着一个向量.其中上面一条直线表示LSTM的状态向量的传递:下面一条直线表示…
catalogue . 引言 . LSTM NETWORKS . LSTM 的变体 . GRUs (Gated Recurrent Units) . IMPLEMENTATION GRUs 0. 引言 In this post we’ll learn about LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) networks and GRUs (Gated Recurrent Units).  LSTMs were first proposed in 1997 by Sepp Ho…