Eleos increased I/O and memory intensive SGX program execution performance with In-enclave system calls and user-managed virtual memory. Why Running I/O-intensive, memory-demanding server applications in en-claves leads to significant performance deg…
PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating systems. What PANOPLY provides middleware for SGX and Linux operating systems which has low TCB and support all standard POSIX APIs. Why Enclaves have severely limited capabilities: no native ac…
EnclaveDB uses SGX security properties to secure database operations. Why The cloud database is continuously attacked by malicious entities, resulting in frequent data leakage. Semantic security encryption provides protection for data in static and t…
ENDBOX enable secure networking by client-Side trusted execution. What ENDBOX is a scalable middlebox that enable secure networking by client-Side trusted execution. Why Network attacks -> Operators use middleboxes to improve network performance and…
## # This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote # NOTE: All (four) Web Services modules need to be enabled Rank =…
Everything has its principles and mechanisms which are designed by its creator and followed by its users. Embedded Platform Architecture The key to understanding how the software interacts with the underlying platform devices is the system memory map…
os模块的作用:os 模块提供了非常丰富的方法用来处理文件和目录(管理和维护目录以及文件). os.path模块的作用:主要用于获取文件的属性(管理路径的(物理地址)). 小生总结了一些平时常用到的属性和函数. 属性: 1.name:返回当前正在使用的操作系统的内核版本:windows系统环境下 -->输出 nt 2.environ:返回当前操作系统中所有的环境变量以及其内容,以键值对的形式进行存储管理(存入到environ中) 3.environ.get('环境变量名'):获取某一个环境变量的…
select event,count(1) from gv$session group by event order by 2;exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''';' from v$session where event='latch free'; SET LINESIZE 200SET NEWPAGE NONECOL…
本文转自:http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html#ntlmHttpAuthentication The NTLM Authentication Protocol and Security Support Provider Abstract This article seeks to describe the NTLM authentication protocol and related security support provider funct…
/* at91UART.c - AT91RM9200 serial driver */ /* Copyright 2003-2004 Coordinate Co., Ltd. */ /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */ /* modification history -------------------- 01a,28jul04,cor  created from original at91Sio.c. */ /* .SH TOD…