Shorten IPv6 Address】的更多相关文章

B - Shorten IPv6 Address 题意 给你\(128\)位的二进制,转换为十六进制. 每\(4\)位十六进制分为\(1\)组,每两组用一个\(":"\)分开. 每一组的十六进制要去掉前导\(0\). 如果存在连续两组以上的\(0\)要转换为\("::"\).比如,\(0:0:0.0:0\)都可以转换成\("::"\). 但是最多只能转换一次,要求在长度最短的条件下字典序最小. 思路 先把二进制串转换为16进制串 找到最长连续的\…
题意: 给你一个二进制表示的IPv6地址,让你把它转换成8组4位的16进制,用冒号分组的表示法.单组的前导0可以省略,连续多组为0的可以用两个冒号替换,但是只允许替换一次.把这个地址通过这几种省略方式,长度缩到最短,然后输出字典序最小的. 题解: 计算出八组四位16进制数的值,找出连续的0,用冒号替换即可. 坑点:1,替换连续的0的时候,一定要注意冒号不能多加 2,题目要求字典序最小,因为冒号的ascii值大于0,那就优先替换后面的,但是,同样长度的连续0,替换掉中间的,比替换掉两边的,最后得到…
题目链接 题意:转换一个128位的二进制串,变成16进制,并且格式为x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x然后多个相邻的0变成::,且只有一个::,求变成的字典序最小且最短的字符串. 思路:大水题,但是就是一直wa,思路都一样的还是wa.先将二进制转化为十进制,然后用%x输出,因为连续的0可变短,但有优先级,首先选0长的,然后如果长度相等,先选中间,中间里面先选中间偏后,然后是最后,最后是前面.差不多就这意思吧. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #in…
题目链接: 题目大意 给定一个 128 位的二进制 ip 地址,让你以 16 位一组,每组转成 16 进制,用冒号连接,并且可以选择一次且仅一次把 ip 数组中值连续为 0 的组删去(详情看样例),求如此操作后最短且字典序最小的 ip 字符串. 分析 bitset + sprintf. 代码如下 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define INIT(…
URL: Use the code below to convert the IP address of your web visitors and lookup for their geographical location, e.g. country, state, city, latitude/longitude, ZIPs, timezone and so on. Free database can be downloaded a… Now that you know about the new features of IPv6, it is time to have a closer look at the practical details. In this post, I will give a short summary about the IPv6 address synta…
IPv6 have colon character, for example FF:00::EEIf concatenate URL String, IPv6 URL will like: http://FF:00::EE:8888/a/b/cActually we want: http://[FF:00::EE]:8888/a/b/cSimply concatenate URL will cause error. Take above line for example. If not use…
题目链接: 题意: 您将获得一个IPv6地址,该地址是128位二进制字符串.请根据以下规则确定其最短的表示: 以十六进制表示形式表示地址,并使用冒号':'分割每四个十六进制数字.每四个数字称为一个字段.例如,'0000:0000:0123:4567:89ab:0000:0000:0000' 可以省略字段中的前导零.例如,上述IPv6地址可以缩短为 '0:0:123:4567:89ab:0:0:0' 由至少两个字段组…
import strings func IsIPv4(address string) bool { return strings.Count(address, ":") < } func IsIPv6(address string) bool { return strings.Count(address, ":") >= }… 题号 标题 已通过代码 题解/讨论 通过率 团队的状态 A Garbage Classification 点击查看 进入讨论 972/1543  通过 B Shorten IPv6 Address 点击查看 进入讨论 541/4388  通过 C Palindrome Mouse 点击查看 PAM 43/206 yzj补了 D Move 点击查看 进入讨论 465/3911  通过 E Androg…
A.Garbage Classification 传送门 题意:给你两个串,第一个串s由小写字母组成,第二个串t由dwh组成,长度为26,分别表示字母a到z代表的字符.现在要你判断: 如果字符串中‘h’的数量至少占s串长度的25%,输出  “Harmful” 如果字符串中‘h’的数量最多占s串长度的10%,输出  “Recyclable” 否则,如果字符串中‘d’的数量至少是‘w’的两倍,输出 “Dry” 否则输出 “Wet” 题解:判断即可. 代码: #include <bits/stdc++… In my last post in the IPv6 series, you learned the IPv6 address syntax. Today, I will introduce the different types of IPv6 addresses. IPv6 address types T…
Restoring IPv6 DescriptionAn IPv6-address is a 128-bit number. For convenience, this number is recorded in blocks of 16 bits in hexadecimal record, the blocks are separated by colons — 8 blocks in total, each block has four hexadecimal digits. Here i…
In this problem, your job to write a function to check whether a input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither. IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging…
IPV6报文部分字段介绍 1.没有校验和字段:优点:当TTL减少时,不需要重新处理,相对于IPV4能减少处理的时间:缺点:必须在上层包含校验和2.下一个报文:可指向扩展报文:(大部分节点不处理和查看大部分扩展选项)常见的扩展报文:1.逐跳选项报文(0) 2.目标选项报头(60) 3.路由选择报头(43) 4.分段报头 5.身份验证报头(AH-51)6.封装安全有效负载(ESP-50)7.上层报头(6/17) MTU发现过程 源设备将使用发现过程来确定应在会话中使用的最佳MTU,IPV6源设备尝试…
In this problem, your job to write a function to check whether a input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither. IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ranging…
int _ResolveIPv4Address(const char* ipv4_str, char* buffer, int bufferSize) { struct addrinfo hints, *res; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_DEFAULT; int error = getadd…
在Ubuntu系统上想要通过ipv6来上网,结果发现通过DHCP获取到了ipv6地址却无法连接外网. ping6 数据包有去无回,100% loss . 奇怪的是通过DSL PPPoE拨号连接显示两个global的ip: ifconfig ppp0 inet6 地址: :::dff0::2aa5::7c01/ Scope:Global inet6 地址: :::dff0:99b1:935b:57a5:9b10/ Scope:Global inet6 地址: fe8…
斯蒂芬·瑞恩写了一个非常有用的正则表达式,可用于匹配任何一个合法的IPv6地址.以下为正则表达式的代码: ^\s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}((…
转自 IPv6 Spec RFC 2460 : Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification RFC 5095: Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6 RFC 5722 (更新RFC 2460): Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments RFC…
在本教程中,我们会向你演示如何创建IPv6 BGP对等体并通过BGP通告IPv6前缀.同时我们也将演示如何使用前缀列表和路由映射特性来过滤通告的或者获取到的IPv6前缀. 拓扑 服务供应商A和B希望在他们之间建立一个IPv6的BGP对等体.他们的IPv6地址和AS信息如下所示. 对等体IP块: 2001:DB8:3::/64 供应商A: AS 100, 2001:DB8:1::/48 供应商B: AS 200, 2001:DB8:2::/48 CentOS/RHEL安装Quagga 如果Quag…
1. sockaddr/sockaddr_in/in_addr (IPv4).sockaddr6_in/in6_addr/addrinfo (IPv6) struct sockaddr { unsigned short sa_family; /* address family, AF_xxx */ char sa_data[14]; /* 14 bytes of protocol address */ }; struct sockaddr_in { short int sin_family; /… The special IPv6 addresses discussed in this part of the IPv6 tutorial are the unspecified address, the loopback address, IPv4-mapped addresses, 6to4 addresses, multicast addresses,… In the last post of this IPv6 tutorial, you learned about the different address types and the new public IP addresses,the global unicast addresses. Today… In the last post of this series, I discussed the new IPv6 features Quality of Service (QoS), hierarchical addressing, and the new address space. In this post, I ta… Routing路由选择 In the last post of my IPv6 series, I outlined the main reason why you should now get started with IPv6: IPv6 will come soon to your network whether you like it or not. Networ…
A link-local address is an Internet Protocol address that is intended only for communications within the segment of a local network (a link) or a point-to-point connection that a host is connected to. Routers do not forward packets with link-local ad…
IPv6 neighbor discovery By stretch | Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 5:03 a.m. UTC Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) can be conceptualized as a toolbox used by IPv6 hosts to carry out various link-local operations. NDP itself does not describe a wire-le…
根据现有 IPv4 地址的部署速度,剩余的地址将在 10 到 20 年被使用殆尽.因此网络逐渐从 IPv4 向 IPv6 转换是不可避免的,相应的各种网络应用程序都将支持 IPv6.对于 Java,从其 1.4 版开始对 IPv6 提供了较好的支持,对程序员基本屏蔽了 IPv4 和 IPv6 的差异,但其中仍有一些 IPv6 引起的变化需要我们小心处理.针对这一情况,本文介绍了如何运用现有的 Java 技术应对这些变化. IPv6 背景介绍 目前我们使用的是第二代互联网 IPv4 技术,它的最大…
今天做客户端想服务端提交信息的时候,报出了如标题所显示的方法 方法以及参数如下: 输入的参数为:[{"pettype":"100","petname":"ge"}] public static InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(String urlstr){ tr…