参考: My pip is broken. _internal module cannot be imported. #5253 解决 ImportError: No module named _internal 在运行 pip 时遇到如下错误: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/pip", line7, in <module> from pip._internal import main Imp…
I'm following sitepoint's An introduction to Gulp.js, but I'm stuck on step four, when I try to run gulp jshint I get "Error: Cannot find module 'jshint/src/cli'" I've no idea what's causing this, which is why I'm asking here. Below are a couple…
解决PHP Warning: Module 'mysqli' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 原因:是PHP有两种方式添加扩展模块,一种是直接编译进了PHP,另外一种是通过共享模式添加模块,并在php.ini配置文件中配置相应的模块.以上问题出现的原因是我们需要的模块已经编译进PHP了,但是我们有通过共享模块再次加重了改模块,这样就导致重复加重. 在php.ini中找到下面并注释;extension=mysqli 使用php -m还是可以看到mysqli扩…
pip错误 ImportError: No module named 'pip_internal' 解决 ImportError: No module named 'pip._internal' 问题 wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py --no-check-certificate sudo python get-pip.py…
from compiler.ast import flatten 上面这条语句好像在python3 以后就废除了,如果使用的话就会报错.Traceback (most recent call last): File "eval_ssd_network.py", line 31, in <module> from compiler.ast import flattenImportError: No module named 'compiler' 或者Traceback (mo…