题目: Scenario Now that the competition gets tough it will Sort out the men from the boys . Men are the Even numbers and Boys are the odd   Task Given an array/list [] of n integers , Separate The even numbers from the odds , or Separate the men from t…
sort如何按指定的列排序·百家电脑学院 sort如何按指定的(9php.com)列排序 0000            27189           41925425065f            15              419254250663            7               419254250675            5               419254250691            76              419254250693 …
js中的排序,这里介绍三种,sort()方法.冒泡排序.二分法排序. 1.sort方法 写法:  数组.sort(); 返回排好序的数组,如果数组里是数字,则由小到大,如果是字符串,就按照第一个字符的字符编码大小排序. 写法2: 数组.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b }); 表示从大到小,(如果写 retrun b-a 则由大到小排序): 不详细解释了. 2.冒泡排序. 原理是,直接将原理可能不好懂,我们还是按照下面的方法去讲吧,这样容易懂些. //冒泡排序func…
题目: When you sign up for an account somewhere, some websites do not actually store your password in their databases. Instead, they will transform your password into something else using a cryptographic hashing algorithm. After the password is transfo…
题目: There is a queue for the self-checkout tills at the supermarket. Your task is write a function to calculate the total time required for all the customers to check out! input customers: an array of positive integers representing the queue. Each in…
题目: Complete the function which takes two arguments and returns all numbers which are divisible by the given divisor. First argument is an array of numbers and the second is the divisor. Example divisible_by([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2) == [2, 4, 6] 解题方法:…
题目: Summation Write a program that finds the summation of every number from 1 to num. The number will always be a positive integer greater than 0. For example: summation(2) -> 3 1 + 2 summation(8) -> 36 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 解题方法: 很简单的题目: de…
题目: Consider an array of sheep where some sheep may be missing from their place. We need a function that counts the number of sheep present in the array (true means present). For example, [True, True, True, False, True, True, True, True , True, False…
题目: In this simple exercise, you will create a program that will take two lists of integers, a and b. Each list will consist of 3 positive integers above 0, representing the dimensions of cuboids a and b. You must find the difference of the cuboids'…
题目: Create a method that takes an array/list as an input, and outputs the index at which the sole odd number is located. This method should work with arrays with negative numbers. If there are no odd numbers in the array, then the method should outpu…