dp背包 面试题 08.11. 硬币】的更多相关文章

https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/coin-lcci/ 硬币.给定数量不限的硬币,币值为25分.10分.5分和1分,编写代码计算n分有几种表示法.(结果可能会很大,你需要将结果模上1000000007) 示例1: 输入: n = 5 输出:2 解释: 有两种方式可以凑成总金额:5=55=1+1+1+1+1示例2: 输入: n = 10 输出:4 解释: 有四种方式可以凑成总金额:10=1010=5+510=5+1+1+1+1+110=1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1…
题目描述 Alas! A set of D (1 <= D <= 15) diseases (numbered 1..D) is running through the farm. Farmer John would like to milk as many of his N (1 <= N <= 1,000) cows as possible. If the milked cows carry more than K (1 <= K <= D) different d…
  历届试题 矩阵翻硬币   时间限制:1.0s   内存限制:256.0MB      问题描述 小明先把硬币摆成了一个 n 行 m 列的矩阵. 随后,小明对每一个硬币分别进行一次 Q 操作. 对第x行第y列的硬币进行 Q 操作的定义:将所有第 i*x 行,第 j*y 列的硬币进行翻转. 其中i和j为任意使操作可行的正整数,行号和列号都是从1开始. 当小明对所有硬币都进行了一次 Q 操作后,他发现了一个奇迹——所有硬币均为正面朝上. 小明想知道最开始有多少枚硬币是反面朝上的.于是,他向他的好朋…
这个题目给定一棵树,以及树的每个树枝的苹果数量,要求在保留K个树枝的情况下最多能保留多少个苹果 一看就觉得是个树形DP,然后想出 dp[i][j]来表示第i个节点保留j个树枝的最大苹果数,但是在树形过程中,有点难表示转移 后来看了下大神的做法才知道其实可以用背包来模拟 树枝的去留,其实真的是个背包诶,每个子树枝就相当于物品,他占用了多少树枝量,带来多少的收益,就是用背包嘛,于是用树形DP+背包就可以做了 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #…
J. Bottles time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output Nick has n bottles of soda left after his birthday. Each bottle is described by two values: remaining amount of soda ai and bottl…
Description There is a worker who may lack the motivation to perform at his peak level of efficiency because he is lazy. He wants to minimize the amount of work he does (he is Lazy, but he is subject to a constraint that he must be busy when there is…
Rebuilding Roads Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 10663   Accepted: 4891 Description The cows have reconstructed Farmer John's farm, with its N barns (1 <= N <= 150, number 1..N) after the terrible earthquake last May. Th…
题目链接:http://acm.split.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1561 思路:树形dp+01背包 //看注释可以懂 用vector建树更简单. 代码: #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<vector> using namespace std; #define ll long…
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