解决mybatis foreach 错误: Parameter '__frch_item_0' not found 在遍历对象的属性(是ArrayList对象)时报错: org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter '__frch_item_0' not found. Available parameters…
Description: Field userDao in com.gcy.springsecuritydemo.service.user.UserService required a bean of type 'com.gcy.springsecuritydemo.dao.user.UserDao' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'com.gcy.springsecuritydemo.dao.…
报错的代码 @Update("update staff_info set ApplyState = #{applyState} where Id = #{userId}") int handleStaff( Integer userId, Integer applyState); 修改后的代码 @Update("update staff_info set ApplyState = #{applyState} where Id = #{userId}") int ha…
# IDEA下使用maven的mybatis常见错误(二) 错误类型二:mybatis.xml注册映射文件错误 错误提示:Type interface com.aynu.dao.CountryDao is not known to the MapperRegistry. 错误原因:mybatis.xml中注册映射文件的地方项目的目录写错了,其实原本应该写com.aynu.dao(即正确的dao包的所在目录). 错误代码: <mappers> <package name="com…