soundtouch implement of changing rate in a way same with resample(SRC). When rate < 1, it need interpolate sample. and delete samples when rate > 1. After  interpolation, there may be introduce high frequency. To avoid aliase, we usally apply a low…
function output = changePitch(input, pitchInSemitones) % one octave is 12 semitones octave = pitchInSemitones / 12; %0.69314718056 is In2. go up one octave corresponds to twice the freqency; pitchChange = exp(0.69314718056  * octave); rate = 1 * pitc…
soundtouch变速主要采用WSOLA算法来进行变速. The principle of WSOLA refer to following figure: There are three important parameter: SequenceMs, overlapMs, seekWindowMs. These pa…
ACCEPTED CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION 2001 Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features 简单特征的优化级联在快速目标检测中的应用 Paul Viola                                                            Michael Jones viola@merl.…
matlab绘制散点图 clc,clear x=[11.9,11.5,14.5,15.2,15.9,16.3,14.6,12.9,15.8,14.1]; y=[196.84,196.84,197.14,197.03,197.05,197.13,197.04,196.96,196.95,196.98]; plot(x,y,'.') Matlab将坐标系中的点连接起来 matlab绘制点线图 U V R=V./(U+V)%图形展示出来 x=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7]; plot(x,U,'-.R…
Install the extension in VS Code Open the command palette using Ctrl+Shift+P Type ext install Matlab in the command palette Select MATLAB as a language On the bottom-right corner, click on the select language mode button, if you have created a new fi…
论文:Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection.CVPR.2009 MATLAB代码运行出错如下: Error using makecform>parseWPInput (line 389)Expected input number 2, PROPERTYNAME, to match one of these strings: AdaptedWhitePoint The input, ''whitepoint'', did not match any of…
from: Invalid MEX-file '*/*/*.mexa64': /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b/bin/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by usr/local/lib/libopencv_c…
This article come from HEREARS-L1: Learning Tuesday 10:30–12:30; Oral Session; Room: Leonard de Vinci 10:30  ARS-L1.1—GROUP STRUCTURED DIRTY DICTIONARY LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION Yuanming Suo, Minh Dao, Trac Tran, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Hojj…
Research Code A rational methodology for lossy compression - REWIC is a software-based implementation of a a rational system for progressive transmission which, in absence of a priori knowledge about regions of interest, choose at any truncation time…
##Advice for Applying Machine Learning Applying machine learning in practice is not always straightforward. In this module, we share best practices for applying machine learning in practice, and discuss the best ways to evaluate performance of the le…
转载 - Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 4 – Implementing a GRU/LSTM RNN with Python and Theano The code for this post is on Github. This is part 4, the last part of the Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial. The previous parts are: Recurrent Neural…
dd Lab Reports VMware vSphere Data Protection Fast, Simple, and Agentless Deduplicated Virtual Machine Backup and Recovery This report documents hands-on testing of VMware vSphere Data Protection (VDP) with a focus on the operational benefits of the…
Emc 考试 e05-001信息存储和管理版本3考试 [总问题:171] 哪种 emc 产品提供软件定义的存储基础架构的自动监视和报告? A. viprSrmB. 斯纳普内C. 阿瓦马尔D. 快速副总裁 答: a 关于虚拟磁带库的准确陈述是什么? A. 传统的备份软件无需额外的模块或更改即可使用B. 物理磁带的可移植性托夫库内支持位置C. 只有用于备份和恢复的顺序数据访问支持D. 需要执行与物理磁带驱动器相关的定期维护任务 答: a 哪种 vmware 产品为软件定义的数据中心提供了网络虚拟化平…
转载自: For the purpose of silence removal of captured sound, we used the algorithm in our final year project. In this post, I am publishing the endpoint…
@ CVPR 2015 papers (in nicer format than this) maintained by @karpathy NEW: This year I also embedded the (1,2-gram) tfidf vectors of all papers with t-sne and placed them in an interf…
这篇blog,原来是西弗吉利亚大学的Li xin整理的,CV代码相当的全,不知道要经过多长时间的积累才会有这么丰富的资源,在此谢谢LI Xin .我现在分享给大家,希望可以共同进步!还有,我需要说一下,不管你的理论有多么漂亮,不管你有多聪明,如果没有实验来证明,那么都是错误的.  OK~本博文未经允许,禁止转载哦!  By  wei shen Reproducible Research in Computational Science “It doesn't matter how beautif…
五.服务注册 1.实例信息注册器初始化 服务注册的代码位置不容易发现,我们看 DiscoveryClient 初始化调度任务的这个方法,这段代码会去初始化一个实例信息复制器 InstanceInfoReplicator,这个复制器就包含了实例的注册(明明是注册却叫 Replicator 感觉怪怪的). ① DiscoveryClient 初始化调度器的流程 先基于 DiscoveryClient.InstanceInfo 构造 InstanceInfoReplicator,然后还有两个参数为实例…
What is a memory model, anyway? In multiprocessorsystems, processors generally have one or more layers of memory cache, whichimproves performance both by speeding access to data (because the data iscloser to the processor) and reducing traffic on the…
In a similar way to other parts of a game, user interfaces usually go through several iterations until we get the user experience right; it is vital that we can iterate over different ideas as fast as possible. Using a MVC pattern to organize the vie…
OpenERP对象支持的字段类型有,基础类型:char, text, boolean, integer, float, date, time, datetime, binary:复杂类型:selection, function, related:关系类型:one2one, one2many, many2one, many2many.下面逐一说明.boolean: 布尔型(true, false)integer: 整数.float: 浮点型,如 'rate' : fields.float('Rel…
PM面试分为BW.BO两部分,根据顾问的简历和应聘的岗位所侧重的问题不同. BW包括基础知识.增量.增强.LO抽取.数据源. BO包括 CR.CR.WEBI.UNI. 一. 基础知识 技术面试 1. BW中的数据对象有Info Object,Cube,DSO,Info set,Multi-provider,visual provider. 其中IO,Cube,DSO是实际的物理存储对象,Info set和 Multi-provider可以理解成为建立在其他物理存储对象上的视图,是不存储数据滴 2…
以往的Android开发有一个头疼的且拖慢速度的问题,就是你每改一行代码要想看到结果必须要编译运行到手机或者模拟器上,而且需要从头(可能是登录界面)一直点击到你修改的界面为止.开发一个完整的Android App你可能要经历无数个重复编译运行的过程,严重的拖慢了开发进度. 最近React Native for Android可谓是解决了这个问题,修改代码可以直接在模拟其上刷新出来当前修改的界面(毕竟是用web技术).于是乎Google能看得下去让FB占领自己的开发领域吗?不可能! 即时运行:更快…
reference to : 以往的Android开发有一个头疼的且拖慢速度的问题,就是你每改一行代码要想看到结果必须要编译运行到手机或者模拟器上,而且需要从头(可能是登录界面)一直点击到你修改的界面为止.开发一个完整的Android App你可能要经历无数个重复编译运行的过程,严重的拖慢了开发进度. 最近React Native for Android可谓是解决了这个问题,修改代码可以直…
贝尔曼-福特算法与迪科斯彻算法类似,都以松弛操作为基础,即估计的最短路径值渐渐地被更加准确的值替代,直至得到最优解.在两个算法中,计算时每个边之间的估计距离值都比真实值大,并且被新找到路径的最小长度替代. 然而,迪科斯彻算法以贪心法选取未被处理的具有最小权值的节点,然后对其的出边进行松弛操作:而贝尔曼-福特算法简单地对所有边进行松弛操作,共|V | − 1次,其中 |V |是图的点的数量.在重复地计算中,已计算得到正确的距离的边的数量不断增加,直到所有边都计算得到了正确的路径.这样的策略使得贝尔…
原文: Creating Mock Classes Mocking Private or Protected Methods Mocking Overloaded Methods Mocking Class Templates Mocking Nonvirtual Methods Mocking Free Functions The Nice, the Strict, and the Naggy…
Asp.Net WebAPI is a framework for building RESTful HTTP services which can be used across a wide range of clients including web, phone and desktop applications. With WebAPI we can use XML and JSON to send and retrieve data from the service. The use o…
上手开发 iOS 一段时间后,我发现并不能只着眼于完成需求,利用闲暇之余多研究其他的开发技巧,才能在有限时间内提升自己水平.当然,“其他开发技巧”这个命题对于任何一个开发领域都感觉不找边际,而对于我来说,尝试接触 objc/runtime 不失为是开始深入探索 iOS 开发的第一步. 刚了解 runtime 当然要从比较简单的 api 开始,今天就罗列整理一下 class_addMethod 的相关点: 首先从文档开始. /** * Adds a new method to a class wi…
字段定义详解 原文地址:,2159.0.html OpenERP对象支持的字段类型有,基础类型:char, text, boolean, integer, float, date, time, datetime, binary:复杂类型:selection, function, related:关系类型:one2one, o…
1. No const constructor Unlike other member functions, constructors may not be declared as const . When we create a const object of a class type, the object does not assume its “constness” until after the constructor completes the object’s initializa…