Since I mentioned about "Second Space", let's take a look at Samsung "Secure Folder". This built-in feature for Samsung smartphones is a secret space for storing images, videos, documents and apps. And most important of it, it's encryp…
NOTE: This specific issue was fixed before the launch of Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing in iOS 13.5 in May 2020. In this demo I remotely trigger an unauthenticated kernel memory corruption vulnerability which causes all iOS devices in radio-proxi…
We could take advantage of plist to bypass Trust Relationship so as to extract data from a iDevice. Now it becomes an impossible mission in iOS 10. As you could see the iOS version is iOS 10.0.2. Now my workstation trust this iDevice, and the plist i…
# John Murphy <john.m.murphy&>afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp file server itselfafs3-fileserver 7000/udp file server itselfafs3-callback 7001/tcp callbacks to cache managersafs3-callback 7001/udp callbacks to cache managersafs3-prserver 7002/tcp…
对于做国内站的我来说,我不希望国外蜘蛛来访问我的网站,特别是个别垃圾蜘蛛,它们访问特别频繁.这些垃圾流量多了之后,严重浪费服务器的带宽和资源.通过判断user agent,在nginx中禁用这些蜘蛛可以节省一些流量,也可以防止一些恶意的访问. 1.进入nginx的配置目录,例如cd /usr/local/nginx/conf 2.添加agent_deny.conf配置文件 vim agent_deny.conf 加入以下 #禁止Scrapy等工具的抓取 if ($http_user_agent…
Line is getting more and more popular in recent years. Lots of peope use Line, so do "Suspects". That's why we have to keep an eye on it if any new features added. I just browse Line Engineers' Blog( a…
No doubt everybody knows that iPhone 8 & iPhone X appear on the market. A feature called FaceID draws my attention. It's really a revolution of recognition and a new way to unlock and authenticate. Like Apple says, "Your face is now your password…
(Source/原文链接 作者: Oleg Afonin   As we wrote back in May, Apple is toying with the idea of restricting USB access to iOS devices that have not been unlocked for a cert…
简单工厂模式: 简单工厂模式的工厂类随着产品类的增加需要增加额外的代码 工厂方法模式: 工厂方法模式每个具体工厂类只完成单个实例的创建,所以它具有很好的可扩展性 但是在实际应用中,一个工厂不止会创建单一的产品,因为现在的工厂都多元化了,一个工厂创建一系列的产品,这就引入了抽象工厂的概念. 抽象工厂模式 :   抽象工厂模式是围绕一个超级工厂创建其他工厂.该超级工厂又称为其他工厂的工厂.这种类型的设计模式属于创建型模式,它提供了一种创建对象的最佳方式. 在抽象工厂模式中,接口是负责创建一个相关对象…
Modeling and Analysis of RRC-Based Signalling Storms in 3G Networks 还是使用状态机模型来做恶意UE识别 看他的仿真:In the simulations, we have 1,000 UEs in an area of 2x2 km, which is covered by sevenNo…
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text; namespace SpecificationPattern.ProgramT{    public class Mobile    {        public BrandName BrandName { get; set; }        public Type Type { get; set; }        publi… ARM architecture     ARM architectures The ARM logo Designer ARM Holdings Bits 32-bit or 64-bit Introduced 1985 Design RISC Type Register-Register Branching Condition code Open Proprietary 64/32-bit archi…
Yesterday a friend of mine Kirby came to me with a smartphone and she wanted me to do her a favor. She showed me some contacts in an app called "LINE". She wanted to know "who" and "where". She had conducted mobile forensics…
"其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路"--鲁迅<故乡> 这句话很好的描述了设计模式的由来.前辈们通过实践和总结,将优秀的编程思想沉淀成设计模式,为开发者提供了解决问题的思路.除此之外,设计模式还是开发者之间沟通的桥梁,是程序员的语言,比如我说这段代码用的是单例模式,你就知道它的基本实现和用法.因此非常有必要弄清楚常用的设计模式. 前辈们有很多优秀的设计模式文章和图书,而本系列是我的学习笔记,我会尽量清晰易懂的将自己知道的分享出来,如果有不准确的地方请及时指正 ^_^…
Calendar 常数 可在代码中的任何地方用下列常数代替实际值: 常数 值 描述 vbCalGreg 0 指出使用的是阳历. vbCalHijri 1 指出使用的是伊斯兰历法. Color 常数 可在代码中的任何地方用下列常数代替实际值: 常数 值 描述 vbBlack 0x0 黑色 vbRed 0xFF 红色 vbGreen 0xFF00 绿色 vbYellow 0xFFFF 黄色 vbBlue 0xFF0000 蓝色 vbMagenta 0xFF00FF 紫红色 vbCyan 0xFFFF…
My friend Carrie'd like to know "Garena 传说对决" violates any mobile risks such as insecure data storage or sensitive data disclosure . Let's take a look at this very popular mobile game "Garena 传说对决" . It would be very interesting~ Carri…
Belkasoft Evidence Center makes me very impressed that it supports lots of evidence type. I have to admit that it’s one of the most powerful forensic tools I’ve ever seen. Now I’d like to add an physical image acquired from an Android phone. Let’s ta…
Tech Stuff - Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings The non-mobile stuff is here (hint: you get jerked back by the power cord after 3 feet and your arms start to ache after 10 minutes with non-mobile stuff) or click on any right menu link for the bro…
Let's take a look at a very popular mobile game "Garena 传说对决" . It would be very interesting~ My friend Carrie's confused about "Certificate Pinning". Let me show you how to verify  "Certificate Pinning". Use a proxy server t… Secure Digital (SD) is a non-volatile memory card format developed by the SD Card Association (SDA) for use in portable devices. The standard was introduced in August 1999 by joint effort…
It's reported that FB Messenge is the most secure App for instant messaging service. Let's see if FB messenger is secure enough or not. I'll evaluate it according to OWASP Mobile Top 10 risks. The first one of OWASP Moble Top ten risks is M1- "Insecu…
扩展Windows Mobile模拟器存储空间的方法 在Windows Mobile应用程序开发的初期,可以使用SDK自带的模拟器来进行调试,这给我们开发人员提供了一种方便的途径.一般的应用程序,占用空间的大小也就几百K,或者几M,这在模拟器上调试起来一点问题也没有.但是有的时候,我们要安装的程序或者需要Debug的程序超过了一定的大小以后,如果按照默认的系统设置,就无法进行调试了.为什么?就是因为我们打包了比较多的dll和资源库,使得系统的存储空间耗尽.通过这篇文章,你就可以了解如何摆脱模拟器…
三星(SAMSUNG)910S3L-K04 开机后连续点击F2进入BIOS,再进入BOOT.将SECURE BOOT CONTROL点成disabled,将OS MODE SELECTION选为uefi andcsm os,将FAST BIOS MODE点成disabled,按F10保存,再重启进入光驱和U盘安装…
     众所周知,ASP.NET MVC4有一个Moblie Application,我们都可以通过这个来开发手机网站,当然为了简单,也可以在一般的MVC中的View下面加个后缀mobile,形如可能大部分人调试这样的手机站都是用浏览器来调试,或许是强迫症吧,我个人喜欢看到像手机一样的东西来调试比较舒服,像类似Android的虚拟机,不过opera mobile emulator让我更加喜欢,下面就介绍一下怎么使用这个东东吧. 首先,肯定是安安装oper…
SSH Secure Shell Client下载: 其他工具(putty-0.67)下载: 如果是第一次启用是没有global.dat文件的,只有你打开了客户端并关闭后才会产生. 找到软件的安装路径,默认路径为:C:\Users\电脑用户名\Application Data\SSH 如果不知道也可以在软件设置下找到路径,如图: 直接点击Open,打开配置文件所在的文件夹,…
原文: Situation You want to develop a RESTful web API for developers that is secure to use, but doesn’t require the complexity of OAuth and takes a simple “pass the cr……
本文转自: Ionic is both a CSS framework as well as a JavaScript UI library. If you’re an AngularJS developer you will be right at home as Ionic uses AngularJS Extensio…
这篇文章是使用 jQuery Mobile 与 HTML5 开发 Web App 系列的第二篇,在本文以及接下来的数篇文章 Kayo 将会介绍 jQuery Mobile 的组件.事件响应以及可以调用的方法,而作为该系列的第一篇文章,Kayo 将会先介绍 jQuery Mobile 的基本情况和一些基础的实例. 一.jQuery Mobile 的渐进增强设计与浏览器支持 在上一篇文章中, Kayo 简单介绍了渐进增强设计的概念,可以参考文中的第四点内容.而 jQuery Mobile 虽然是一些…
最近要开始使用HP Mobile Center,以下是我在官网上搜集的配置信息,包含软硬件. Reference: Page/HP Mobile Center.htm I.            HP Mobile Center Architecture HP Mobile Center is a standalone serv…