注:基础知识见下方 下面是关于P==NP ??? 一些讨论,挺好玩的. 1. 首先强调一下数学上还没有证明这个问题!但是我们看看其他角度来看这个问题. 其次,心理上来说,要是可以证明P==NP那么早就有人证明了,毕竟过了这么多年了. 哲学上来说.我们学数学这么多年了,有个现象,往往去证明一个正确的结论比去证明一个不确定的命题来的简单.那么如果P==NP,the finding a proof is as easy as our homework. 权当听听就好了. 2. 一个有趣的单词PET…
0x01 从判定问题到形式语言 这篇讲知识证明的wiki([1]): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_knowledge 里面有一句话: Let x be a language element of language L in NP 这篇讲NPC的文章([2]) http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr11/cos423/Lectures/NP-completeness.pdf 里面提到Decis…
Description 题目描述 You are given an polynomial of x consisting of only addition marks, multiplication marks, brackets, single digit numbers, and of course the letter x. For example, a valid polynomial would be: (1+x)*(1+x*x+x+5)+1*x*x. You are required…
Optimum polynomial If we are presented with the first k terms of a sequence it is impossible to say with certainty the value of the next term, as there are infinitely many polynomial functions that can model the sequence. As an example, let us consid…