Intel x86_64 Architecture Background 1】的更多相关文章

首先讲一下什么是Intel x86,x86是指intel的开发的一种32位指令集,从386开始时代开始的一直沿用至今,是一种cisc指令集.x84_64是x86 CPU开始迈向64位的时候,有2选择:1.向下兼容x86.2.完全重新设计指令集,不兼容x86.AMD抢跑了,比Intel率先制造出了商用的兼容x86的CPU,AMD称之为AMD64,抢了64位PC的第一桶金,得到了用户的认同.而Intel选择了设计一种不兼容x86的全新64为指令集,称之为IA-64(中文名为安腾),但是比amd晚了一…
这里是在学习Intel x86_64体系架构时学习到的一些概念,记录下来以供日后参考.如果有错的地方,欢迎指正! CPU上下文切换(context switch): 这个概念第一次听到对我来说是完全陌生的,但了解之后发现和老师讲的东西有很多联系.现在linux是大多基于抢占式,CPU给每个任务一定的服务时间,当时间片轮转的时候,需要把当前状态保存下来,同时加载下一个任务,这个过程叫做上下文切换.时间片轮转的方式,使得多个任务利用一个CPU执行成为可能,但是保存现场和加载现场,也带来了性能消耗.…
安装atlas 报错: package Atlas-2.2.1-1.x86_64 is intended for a x86_64 architecture 百度了好久没找到相关信息,最后看见官网文档,它只支持64位操作系统 注意一下: 1Atlas only run in 64-bit systems.只支持64位 2Mysql version should be greater than 5.1, it is recommended to use Mysql 5.6. mysql版本大于5.…
Intel Omni-Path Architecture (OPA) 是一种与InfiniBand相似的网络架构 可以用来避免以下PCI总线一些缺陷: 1.由于采用了基于总线的共享传输模式,在PCI总线上不可能同时传送两组以上的数据,当一个PCI设备占用总线时,其他设备只能等待: 2.随着总线频率从33MHz提高到66MHz,甚至133MHz(PCI-X),信号线之间的相互干扰变得越来越严重,在一块主板上布设多条总线的难度也就越来越大: 3.由于PCI设备采用了内存映射I/O地址的方式建立与内存…
OPA在Centos上的搭建 1. 首先确认Omni-Path Host Fabric Interfaces (HFIs) # yum install –y pciutils # lspci -vv | grep Omni : Series [discrete] (rev ) Subsystem: Intel Corporation Omni-Path HFI Silicon Series [discrete] 2. 安装Intel® Omni-Path Software Intel® Omni…
[中英对照]Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles | DPDK概论: 体系结构与实现原理   Introduction to DPDK: Architecture and Principles | DPDK概论:体系结构与实现原理 Linux network stack performance has become increasingly relevant over the past few years. This is perfe…
A technique is provided for generating stubs. A processing circuit receives a call to a called function. The processing circuit retrieves a called function property of the called function. The processing circuit generates a stub for the called functi… Intel MIC From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture (MIC) Designer Intel Design manycore extended x86/x64 design Registers General purpose Intel Architecture registers Flo…
[Game Engine Architecture 4] 1.a model of multiple semi-independent flows of control simply matches the problem better than a single flow-of-control design. 2.There are two basic ways in which concurrent threads can communicate: • Message passing. Th… Atom Roadmap[16]   Fabrication process Microarchitecture Release date Processors/SoCs MID, Smartphone Tablet Nettop, netbook Embedded Server CE   45 nm Bonnell 2008 Silverthorne N/A Diamondville Tunnel Cre… Chipset From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     A chipset is a set of electronic components in an integrated circuit that manages the data flow between the processor, memory and peripherals. It is usually found…
当一个进程的行为超出预期时,系统将把它kill掉. On Intel IA-32 and Intel 64 architecture processors, each architecturally-defined exception is assigned a unique identification number called a vector. The processor uses the vector assigned to an exception as an index into… Processor Series Nomenclature Code Name Supported Features (Instruction Set) Clock Rate Socket Fabrication TDP Number of Cores Bus Speed L2 Cache L3 Cache Intel Pentium N/A P5, P54C, P54CTB,… List of Intel Atom microprocessors List of Intel Xeon microprocessors List of Intel Itanium microprocessors List of Intel Celeron microprocessors List of Intel Pentium microprocessors List of Intel Pentium Pro…
echo "Target architectures: $ARCHS" APP_PATH="${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}" find "$APP_PATH" -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK do FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plis… Last time, Alan showed how to use GDB as a tool to learn C. Today I want to go one step further and use GDB to help us und…
-c times Sun Jul :: CST Tracing process ID total pread read pwrite write fsync open close lseek fcntl filename 0.025765 0.000000 0.000000 0.000428 0.000000 0.025072 0.000176 0.000033 0.000000 0.000056 /data5/test/yy.ibd 0.013211 0.000000 0.000000 0.0…
目录 目录 1.前言 1.1.什么是 Hadoop? 1.1.1.什么是 YARN? 1.2.什么是 Zookeeper? 1.3.什么是 Hbase? 1.4.什么是 Hive 1.5.什么是 Spark? 2.环境准备 2.1.网络配置 2.2.更改 HOSTNAME 2.3.配置 SSH 免密码登录登录 2.4.关闭防火墙 2.7.安装 NTP 3. 下载应用程序及配置环境变量 3.1.创建安装目录 3.2.下载本文中用到的程序 3.3.设置环境变量 4. 安装 Oracle JDK 1.…
pt-summary # Percona Toolkit System Summary Report ###################### Date | 2018-11-23 10:48:51 UTC (local TZ: CST +0800) Hostname | server01 Uptime | 6:49, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 System | VMware, Inc.; VMware Virtual Platform;…
1  前言 无论是安装单机版的asm还是rac都离不开ASM磁盘组的创建,创建ASM磁盘组的关键是创建好需要的asm磁盘,发现很多网友安装grid软件和grid实例,都在磁盘的创建这里有很大的问题,本人又是喜欢总结的人,那么今天我就总结了下各种创建asm磁盘的方法,以备大家查阅. 之前的2篇文章中用到了asm磁盘的创建,连接如下: Oracle 单实例ASM+11gR2安装 : 在vmware  w…
一.硬件信息 CPU: [root@localhost ~]# grep 'physical id' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l 2 [root@localhost ~]# grep 'core id' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l 4 [root@localhost ~]# grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | sort -u | wc -l 16 [root@localhost ~]# dmid…
CentOS7基本设置 1. 查看相关信息 1.1. 查看系统信息 1.1.1. 查看系统位数 方法1: [root@centos7 ~]# uname -a Linux centos7.smartmap 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 22 16:42:41 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 方法2:显示系统程序信息 [root@centos7 ~]# file /bin/ls /bin/ls: ELF 6…
A code sequence made up multiple instructions and specifying an offset from a base address is identified in an object file. The offset from the base address corresponds to an offset location in a memory configured for storing an address of a variable…
Oracle下创建ASM磁盘总结 文章转载: 2.3 方法三:udev方式 又可以分为2种方式,采用uuid来绑定或采用raw来绑定,采用uuid需要添加多块磁盘,而采用raw方式不需要添加多个磁盘.2.3.1 udev下的方法一:uuid方式 1.RedHat 5 udev SCSI Rules配置1 获取需要绑定为ASM Disk的磁盘uuid…
  Preface       As a dba,We are obliged to master several basic tools(such as vmstat,top,netstat,iostat,df,etc.) to monitor system status or analyze the the information of it espcially in trouble shooting and performance tunning.      Introduce      …
Liunx笔记:CentOS6和CentOS7的区别 路飞学城运维人员 在线流程图软件 Ago linux运维群: 93324526 笔者QQ:578843228 常用安装包下载 yum install -y epel-release yum -y install bash-completion yum -y install net-tools yum -y install iproute yum -y install wget vim yum -y install lrzsz nmap tre…
这是2013年写的一篇旧文,放在gegahost.net上面 February 19, 2013 function calling convention Filed under: c++ — Tags: C convention, C optimization, multi-thread — Raison @ 4:29 am (original works by Peixu Zhu) Function calling conven…
Linux has supported a large number of SMP systems based on a variety of CPUs since the 2.0 kernel. Linux has done an excellent job of abstracting away differences among these CPUs, even in kernel code. One important difference is how CPUs allow memor…
A method and apparatus for executing lock instructions speculatively in an out-of-order processor are disclosed. In one embodiment, a prediction is made whether a given lock instruction will actually be contended. If not, then the lock instruction ma…