OneMap Client API】的更多相关文章

MapSystem.Map.SmMap类 方法 mergerGeo:function(geoList) 将多个几何图形合并(支持面.线),组合成一个复合对象 例子: var geo=this.myMap.mergerGeo(geos); 其他: var geo = smMap.getCurrentRangeGeo();…
catalog . 漏洞描述 . 漏洞触发条件 . 漏洞影响范围 . 漏洞代码分析 . 防御方法 . 攻防思考 1. 漏洞描述 ECShop存在一个盲注漏洞,问题存在于/api/client/api.php文件中,提交特制的恶意POST请求可进行SQL注入攻击,可获得敏感信息或操作数据库 2. 漏洞触发条件 . /api/client/api.php存在未过滤漏洞 . 服务器magic_quote_gpc = off //ma…
针对Memcached官方网站提供的java_memcached-release_2.0.1版本进行阅读分析,Memcached Java客户端lib库主要提供的调用类是SockIOPool和MemCachedClient?,关键类及方法整理说明如下. SockIOPool 这个类用来创建管理客户端和服务器通讯连接池,客户端主要的工作包括数据通讯.服务器定位.hash码生成等都是由这个类完成的. public static SockIOPool getInstance() 获得连接池的单态方法.…
一:读写思想 1.系统表 hbase:namespace 存储hbase中所有的namespace的信息 hbase:meta rowkey:hbase中所有表的region的名称 column:regioninfo:region的名称,region的范围 server:该region在哪台regionserver上 2.读写流程 tbname,rowkey  ->   region  ->  regionserver  ->  store ->  storefile 但是这些都是…
The Jersey client API is a high-level Java based API for interoperating with RESTful Web services. It makes it very easy to interoperate with RESTful Web services and enables a developer to concisely and efficiently implement a reusable client-side s…
Since a resource is represented as a Java type it makes it easy to configure, pass around and inject in ways that is not so intuitive or possible with other client-side APIs. The Jersey Client API reuses many aspects of the JAX-RS and the Jersey impl…
To utilize the client API it is first necessary to create an instance of a Client, for example: Client c = Client.create(); Configuring a Client and WebResource The client instance can then be configured by setting properties on the map returned from…
Filtering requests and responses can provide useful functionality that is hidden from the application layer of building and sending requests, and processing responses. Filters can read/modify the request URI, headers and entity or read/modify the res…
The Jersey client API was originally developed to aid the testing of the Jersey server-side, primarily to make it easier to write functional tests in conjunction with the JUnit framework for execution and reporting. It is used extensively and there a…
With Http(s)URLConnection The support for security, specifically HTTP authentication and/or cookie management with Http(s)URLConnection is limited due to constraints in the API. There are currently no specific features or properties on the Client cla…