
The UI-即上图左下角metamask-ui部分,即其图形化界面 The MetaMask UI is essentially just a website that can be configured by passing it the API and state subscriptions from above. Anyone could make a UI that consumes these, effectively reskinning MetaMask. MetaMask UI…
()MetaMask Browser Extension 这就是整个metamask的源码所在之处,好好看看这是源码的类.对象等的详细解释 1)了解整个代码的学习流程,看:…
The MetaMask Controller——The central metamask controller. Aggregates other controllers and exports an api. The core functionality of MetaMask all lives in what we call The MetaMask Controller. Our goal for this file is for it to eventually be its own… metamask-extension/app/scripts/controllers/network/network.js const assert = require('assert') const EventEmitter = require('events') const createMetamaskProvi…
()metamask-extension/app/scripts/controllers/transactions Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers exposed to the MetaMask controller. 交易控制器是暴露于metamask控制器的子控制器和跟踪器的集合 txStateManager responsible for the state of a transa…
The most confusing part about porting MetaMask to a new platform is the way we provide the Web3 API over a series of streams between contexts. Once you understand how we create the InpageProvider in the inpage.js script, you will be able to understan…
这个就是浏览器后台所进行操作的地方了,它就是页面也区块链进行交互的中间部分. metamask-background描述了为web扩展单例的文件app/scripts/background.js.该上下文实例化了一个MetaMask控制器的实例,该实例表示用户的帐户.到区块链的连接以及与新Dapps的交互. Since background.js is essentially the Extension setup file, we can see it doing all the things…
When a new site is visited, the WebExtension creates a new ContentScript in that page's context, which can be seen at app/scripts/contentscript.js. This script represents a per-page setup process, which creates the per-page web3api, connects it to th…
前言:通过之前的三篇介绍,我们基本上完成了从请求发出到路由匹配.再到控制器的激活,再到Action的执行这些个过程.今天还是趁热打铁,将我们的View也来完善下,也让整个系列相对完整,博主不希望烂尾.对于这个系列,通过学习源码,博主也学到了很多东西,在此还是把博主知道的先发出来,供大家参考. 本文原创地址: MVC源码学习系列文章目录: MVC系列——MVC源码学习:打造自己的MVC框架(一) MVC…
前言:上篇介绍了下自己的MVC框架前两个版本,经过两天的整理,版本三基本已经完成,今天还是发出来供大家参考和学习.虽然微软的Routing功能已经非常强大,完全没有必要再“重复造轮子”了,但博主还是觉得自己动手写一遍印象要深刻许多,希望想深入学习MVC的童鞋自己动手写写.好了,废话就此打住. 本文原创地址: MVC源码学习系列文章目录: MVC系列——MVC源码学习:打造自己的MVC框架(一) MVC…