convert images to a video (Ubuntu)】的更多相关文章

use =avconv= package e.g.  to convert images (v_1.png, v_2.png ...) to 'velocity.mp4' >>> avconv -i v_%d.png -b:v 1000k velocity.mp4 - i :: input file- b :: bitrate What bitrate should I use when encoding my video? File size = bitrate (kilobits p…
前言: 论文及源代码网址: 地址2: 1.  一个失败的尝试 首先是跑一个例子试试,使用…
Refer to for detail. Below is just a list at Jan-01-2017 for quick shower. Portable App Directory Over 300 Real Portable AppsOver 500 Million DownloadsFree, Legal, Safe, and Fully PortableNo Shovelware. No Bundleware.The …
[声明] 欢迎转载,但请保留文章原始出处→_→ 生命壹号: 文章来源: 联系方式 效果图:(gif图太大了,有点卡,建议将图片保存到本地查看或者直接本文末尾的源码查看gif图) 加载网络图片我们用universal-image-loader,然后实现ListView的上拉下拉刷新我们用PullToRefresh.下…
1. 相关的网站: 1. Jetson TK1 support 2.official Wiki for embedded Tegra & the Jetson TK1 board, maintained by both the community and NVIDIA: 3. blog NVIDIA Jetson TK1开发板上手:http…
Step 1: Install Shadowsocks Client Shadowsocks is an open-source proxy project to help people visit some websites :). To speed up web surfing, we need to install a Shadowsocks client first. For Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install shadowsocks For Mac: brew i…
cd faceswap cd faceswap-master python gui Notice: This repository is not operated or maintained by /u/deepfakes. Please read the explanation below for details. deepfakes_faceswap Faceswap is a tool that utilizes deep learning to recognize…
转载: Jetson TK1是NVIDIA基于Tegra K1开发的一块低成本开发板,板载一块Tegra K1 32-bit(Logan)芯片,开发板上还有一个HDMI输出,一个以太网口,一个USB 3.0,一个micro USB口,SATA,mini PCIe,SD卡插槽,调试口有串口DB9和JTAG,以及众多的IO接口引出.可以说是麻雀虽小,五脏俱全. Tegra K1有一颗和桌面GPU同…
AI推理单元 推理服务供了一套面向 MLU(Machine Learning Unit,机器学习单元)设备的类似服务器的推理接口(C++11标准),以及模型加载与管理,推理任务调度等功能,极大地简化了面向MLU平台高性能深度学习应用的开发和部署工作. 概述 推理服务在软件栈中的位置,如下图所示: 推理服务共包含以下3个模块的用户接口: Model: 模型加载与管理 Processor: 可自定义的后端处理单元 InferServer: 执行推理任务 基本概念 本文描述推理服务中所涉及的具体概念.…
To convert the audio from stereo to mono without changing the video part, you can use FFmpeg: ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -ac 1 -q:a 2 output.avi The important option is -ac 1, which downmixes the signal to one channel. Note that th…