机器之心整理,机器之心编辑部. 人工智能顶会 IJCAI 2018 的主要议程于昨日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩开始.昨天上午,Facebook 首席人工智能科学家.纽约大学教授 Yann LeCun 在会上发表了近一个小时,以<Learning World Models: the Next Step towards AI>为主题的演讲,引起了人…
Deepo is a series of Docker images that allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment supports almost all commonly used deep learning frameworks supports GPU acceleration (CUDA and cuDNN included), also works in CPU-only mode w…
安装参考 1.对于在 python detectron/tests/ 时出现 AssertionError: Detectron ops lib not found; make sure that your Caffe2 version includes Detectron module de…
版本查询 cpu tensorflow conda env list source activate tensorflow python import tensorflow as tf 和 tf.__version__ 1.11.0 keras conda env list source activate keras import keras 2.2.2 print(keras.__version__) import tensorflow as tf tf.__version__ 1.11.0…
一,cpu 下安装 tensorflow conda env list source activate tensorflow 直接安装相应版本 python import tensorflow as tf tf.__version__ 1.11.0 keras 直接安装 conda env list source activate keras import keras 2.2.2 print(keras.__version__) import tensorflow as tf tf.__vers…