Bootstrap Maxlength It is a lightweight plugin that allows detecting the HTML maxlength property of a textfield and shows a character counter. It helps the users to input only the allowed limit of characters in the textboxes. Bootbox.js It is a tiny…
Bootstraptor If you think that bootstrap templates are not enough for you, you should go with bootstraptor. You will have a wide range to select from, which automatically gives you a lot of interesting things to work with. Brag Themes Looking for som…
在Bootstrap.js文件中,总共有1500行(包含注释和空行),使用编辑器的代码折叠功能就如下图可以一窥全貌了. 从代码可以看到,这里主要定义了Ext.Boot.Ext.globalEval.Ext.Microloader和Ext.manifest这4个对象或属性.关键代码是最后一句的调用Ext.Microloader的load方法,下面来研究一下这个load方法,代码如下: load: function (manifestDef) { var manifest = Microloader…