步骤一:获取网页中验证码图片的url地址 在delphi中加入一个BitBtn和一个memo以及WebBrowser控件实现网页中验证码图片的url地址的获取 程序如下:procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var I:Integer; begin for I:=0 to WebBrowser1.OleObject.document.images.length-1 do Memo1.Lines.Add(WebBrowser…
DELPHI下API简述 http://zero.cnbct.org/show.asp?id=144 auxGetDevCaps API 获取附属设备容量 auxGetNumDevs API 返回附属设备数量 auxGetVolume API 获取当前卷设置 auxOutMessage API 向输出设备发送消息 auxSetVolume API 设置附属设备卷 AbortDoc API 终止一项打印作业 AbortPath API 终止或取消DC中的一切路径 AbortPrinter API…
用Delphi直接获取bmp图片的像素,并存储显示出.(此像素主要用在LED上显示).希望高手能给出代码啊!! function getImagePixels(f: string): Integer; var jpg: TJpegImage; bmp: TBitmap; begin Result := 0; if not FileExists(f) then Exit; if SameText(ExtractFileExt(f), '.bmp') then beg…
The following are the Windows API (and former DOS) IO errors, which are also the IO errors often returned by Delphi programs, and which are generally difficult to find reference for, and are especially difficult to find referenced as Delphi errors. S…
A curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Note that only open-source projects are considered. Dead projects are mainly ignored except for those which do not have alive analogs.…
Awesome Delphi A curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Note that only open-source projects are considered. Dead projects are mainly ignored except for those which do not hav…
How to copy unicode HTML code to the clipboard in html format, so it can be pasted into Writer, Word etc. Several articles show working code to copy an html structure to the clipboard registering as HTML Format (so it can be pasted in a word processo…
auxGetDevCaps API 获取附属设备容量 auxGetNumDevs API 返回附属设备数量 auxGetVolume API 获取当前卷设置 auxOutMessage API 向输出设备发送消息 auxSetVolume API 设置附属设备卷 AbortDoc API 终止一项打印作业 AbortPath API 终止或取消DC中的一切路径 AbortPrinter API 删除打印机缓冲文件 AbortSystemShutdown API 停止系统工作 AccessChec…
让DELPHI自带的richedit控件显示图片 unit RichEx; { 2005-03-04 LiChengbin Added: Insert bitmap or gif into RichEdit controls from source file. 2005-01-31 LiChengbin Usage: Insert bitmap into RichEdit controls by IRichEditOle interface and implementation of IData…
真是膜拜Delphi C++ Builder编译器的作者们,要下多少苦功夫才能解决如此之多的问题,制造出一个神级作品给世人享用.另外以我的编程经验所能想到很麻烦但却是必须的还有两个地方,一个是Format函数,另一个是类型转换.有空看看FreePascal的源码可以略窥一二.其实我也是一个疯狂的政经爱好者,本来也不是很吊美国,觉得我们迟早各方面,包括最先进的科学技术,都能赶上的他们的.但是想想这些神级的工程师,包括Borland早期的和现在的Embarcadero,心里多少有些发怵.美国,虽然也…
The following are the Windows API (and former DOS) IO errors, which are also the IO errors often returned by Delphi programs, and which are generally difficult to find reference for, and are especially difficult to find referenced as Delphi errors. S…
输入 procedure TypeKeyString(s: string); var c: Char; i: integer; off: integer; vkw: Word; begin to Length(s) do begin c := s[i]; ) then begin vkw := VkKeyScan(c); off := ; = $ then keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, , off, ); = $ then keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, , off…
针对返回结果为参数的 一. 先建立自己的存储过程 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[REName] ) AS BEGIN select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by Name asc) as [序号], Name,Gender,Birthday,Mobile,Tel,Ctfld from dbo.name where Gender = @Gender OR @Gender IN ( NULL, '', '-1' ) END 二.打开delphi,先添加几个控件…