Research in General How to write a great research paper Basics of machine learning Basics of deep learning…
* Non-academic 1. Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, by Richard Carlson and Joseph Bailey.2. Your Money or Your Life, by Joe Dominguez andVicki Robins.3. The Art of Happiness, by the DalaiLama.4. Simplify Your Life, by Elaine St.James.5. The 4-Hour W…
从13年11月初开始接触DL,奈何boss忙or 各种问题,对DL理解没有CSDN大神 比如 zouxy09等 深刻,主要是自己觉得没啥进展,感觉荒废时日(丢脸啊,这么久....)开始开文,即为记录自己是怎么一步一个逗比的走过的路的,也为了自己思维更有条理.请看客,轻拍,(如果有错,我会立马改正,谢谢大家的指正.==!其实有人看没人看都是个问题.哈哈) 推荐 tornadomeet 的博客园学习资料…
Reading List List of reading lists and survey papers: Books Deep Learning, Yoshua Bengio, Ian Goodfellow, Aaron Courville, MIT Press, In preparation. Review Papers Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville…
Reading With Purpose: A grand experiment This is the preface to a set of notes I'm writing for a seminar this semester. It will be a fun and bumpy ride ! Reading research papers in mathematical disciplines takes training. A student’s natural tendency…
领军大家: Geoffrey E. Hinton 阅读列表: reading lists and survey papers for deep learning 课程和教材: Deep Learning 教程(邓侃老师力荐,已有中文版面)…
Courses on Turbulence Table of Contents 1. Lecture 1.1. UIUC Renewable energy and turbulent environment group 1.2. Turbulent Flow and Transport: MIT open course 1.2.1. reading lists 1 Lecture DEN403, QMUL 1.1 UIUC Renewable energy and turbulent envir…
The Ph.D. Grind A Ph.D. Student Memoir Summary The Ph.D. Grind, a 122-page e-book, is the first known detailed account of an entire Ph.D. experience. So far, over 500,000 people—professors, research scientists, current and prospective Ph.D. students,…
Over the last seven years more than 200 quantitative finance articles have been written by members of the QuantStart team, prominent quant finance academics, researchers and industry professionals. 在过去七年中,QuantStart一共发表了200多篇量化金融文章,这些文章的作者包括QS团队成员.优秀…
Teen Readers Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday. 据常识媒体周一发布的报告,为了趣味而阅读青少年少了很多. While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report…