InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: InsecureRequestWarning) 出现这个错误的原因是: requests 库其实是基于 ur…
最近使用requests进行get请求的时候,控制台输出如下错误. InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. 最简单,不顾一切的解决办法.. import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() 即可.测试,可行,而且对程序运行没有不良影响. 其实我也不明白这个错误是什么原因,… The PyObjC project aims to provide a bridge between the Python and Objective-C programming languages. The bridge is intended to be fully bidirectional, allowing the Python programmer to take full advantage of…
Beware! Async modes will not speed up your app, they are aimed at improving concurrency. Do not expect that enabling some of the modes will work flawlessly, asynchronous/evented/non-blocking systems require app cooperation, so if your app is develope…
SICP 解题集 - SICP 解题集…
图说设计模式 - Graphic Design Patterns…
前言 使用 pytest 执行 https 请求用例的时候,控制台会出现警告:InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. 当出现这个警告的时候,我们第一反应是加忽略警告:urllib3.disable_warnings(),然而并不管用. 问题描述 使用requests库发https请求,添加verify=F…
网上资料 引用ssl.https 包 local https = require("ssl.https") 之后按同http一样调用. 但是,这种只最基本的实现了访问https服务的要求,却没有验证数字证书的示例说明. 数字证书的调用 类似 wget --private-key /root/client.key --certificate /root/client.crt --ca-certificate /root/ca.crt -O wge…
使用$ git push -u origin master 进行同步时,提示输入用户名和密码,但是我输入正确的信息后,仍然 会报Username for '': remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed for ''  错误 解决办法: 查了百度,进行下面操作成功解决了! git中: 再…