1. Install Git and GitExtension】的更多相关文章

Install Git Step 1:   Run…
git版本在低于1.8之前,对于私有项目会出现401的pull失败错误,只能通过升级git版本来解决 It appears that git18 is no longer available from RPMForge, at least in CentOS 6.6. Luckily, I came across the following instructions from a GitLab CentOS recipe: Download PUIAS repo: wget -O /etc/yu…
Installation with Cygwin If you're comfortable with Cygwin, then use it to install git, ssh, wget and python. Install pip, and use pip to install git-review: $ wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py $ python ez_setup.py $ easy_install pi…
1. yum install git 2. git version or git –version 3. uninstall:  git remove…
在UBUNTU采用163或是阿里云来更新源,最新的更新源地址可以在网上查阅, 阿里源 deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted universe multiverse deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ bionic-security main restricted universe multiverse deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu…
Introduction Version control has become an indispensable tool in modern software development. Version control systems allow you to keep track of your software at the source level. You can track changes, revert to previous stages, and branch off from…
Why we need 'Git' GIt version control: 1. record the history about updating code and deleting code 2. cooperation --- We can know what our coworkers has done and even  the particular lines changed 3. feature branches --- We can work on the different…
一.window安装 1.下载路径 https://git-for-windows.github.io/ 2.如何在windows下安装GIT_百度经验 3.做完上面两部打开Git bash即可执行git指令,但如果想在电脑命令行或idea的terminal中执行git指令,需要配置git环境变量 添加自己的git的bin文件路径到path变量值后面,此时打开电脑命令行输入gi或git --versiont出现git命令列表或版本信息即配置成功,idea的terminal同样. 二.linux安…
Git的纯命令操作,Install,Clone , Commit,Push,Pull,版本回退,撤销更新,分支的创建/切换/更新/提交/合并,代码冲突 这篇是接着上篇分布式版本库--Windows下Git的环境部署以及在GitHub上开源自己的项目讲的,上篇主要是说用GUI来图形化界面操作,但是一般我们程序员也不会这么干,用命令又轻松又愉悦,所以,这里我就再开了一篇来专门说一下纯命令是怎么去操作的,但是要注意哦,其实廖雪峰老师的网站就是非常赞的学习资源哦! 廖雪峰老师:http://www.li…
Assuming you have sudo/root permission. Try rpmforge-extras first. yum --disablerepo=base,updates --enablerepo=rpmforge-extras install git If you did not have rpmforge-extras, try manual installation. yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel…