Proxies allow you to use functions that haven't yet been defined on an object. This means that you can invoke a function then create that function if it works with your API. This lesson shows you how to create an API around a rest service so that you…
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standard method to serialize JavaScript objects and is commonly used to transfer data from the server to the browser. The browser has a JSON API that allows you to parse the JSON string into a JavaScript object.…
本文示例说明了如何在Chrome浏览器中增加JavaScript API.为了简化,先假设是在已有的namespace中增加一个新的API,文章的最后将指出如果增加一下全新的namespace所需注意的事项. 在继续之前,请确保你的Chrome浏览器中已安装了一些扩展程序.可以在地址栏中输入chrome://extensions查看已安装的扩展程序.下图示例说明了我的浏览器中已安装了Google Mail Checker扩展程序,我们将使用它来测试新增的API(测试可以使用任何扩展程序,而不需指…
The idea is wrap a object with all its function methods and add some additional handling into a new object. For example, we have a object 'fireEvent': import {fireEvent, wait} from 'dom-testing-library'async function render() {…
在项目中,调用百度地图JavaScript API,做覆盖物的旋转再添加到地图上,结果出现偏移了. 调试过程中的效果图: 发现图片的旋转并不是按车子的中心来的,而是之外的一个点.最后发现犯了一个很细节的错: <script type="text/javascript"> // 百度地图API功能 var map = new BMap.Map("allmap"); var point = new BMap.Point(121.38750613, 31.17…