此贴会持续更新,都是项目中常会遇到的问题,总结成贴,提醒自己和方便日后检查,也能帮到有需要的同学. 若各位有啥好BUG好异常好警告好崩溃可以分享的话,请多多指教.xuzhiping7#qq.com. 1.U3D经常莫名奇妙崩溃. 一般是由于空异常造成的,多多检查自己的引用是否空指针. 2.编码切换警告提示. 警告提示:Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows. This might lead to incorrect line n…
MySQL安装提示一下错误 The security settings could not be applied to the database because the connection has failed with the following error. Error Nr. 1045 Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) If a personal firewall is running on y…
1.U3D经常莫名奇妙崩溃. 一般是由于空异常造成的,多多检查自己的引用是否空指针. 2.编码切换警告提示. 警告提示:Some are Mac OS X (UNIX) and some are Windows. This might lead to incorrect line numbers in stacktraces and compiler errors. Many text editors can fix this using Convert Line Endings m…