rpm command】的更多相关文章

rpm 实现程序管理 安装:-ivh ,--nodeps ,--replacepkgs 卸载: -e,  --nodeps 升级: -Uvh -Fvh , --nodeps,  --oldpackage    查询: -q , -qa ,-qf ,-qd, -qc, -q --scripts ,-q --changlogm, -q --provides, -q --requires 校验: -V 导入GPG秘钥: --import ,-K --nodigest, --nosignature 数据…
Introduction The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system that runs on Fedora as well as other Linux and UNIX systems. Red Hat and the Fedora Project encourage other vendors to use RPM for their own products. RPM is distributed under the…
事件起因:今天我在kali里面使用yum命令来部署Linux环境时,出现了错误: bash:yum command not found,然后就百度,找到一片好的文章,链接:http://www.pianshen.com/article/19171863/ 正常的步骤是向上面这样的额,然而,天不随人愿,我的总是错漏百出,在执行第一步的rpm命令时就出现如下错误: bash:rpm command not found.这是为啥捏,有事找度娘,说让咱apt-get install rpm,然而inst…
转自:https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-an-rpm-package Rpm is both the package manager and the package format used by many linux distributions such as Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS, to manage and distribute software in binary form. In this tutorial we…
本文是笔者最近遇到的一个故障的处理过程,解决方案是Rebuild RPM 的DB,后面内容其实是REDHAT官方的solutions,不过我遇到的现象和解决方案都与官方有点出入,故一直帖出来: 我遇到的故障现象: [root@migrationLin6 ~]# rpm -qa error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 514 Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID fd431d51: BAD error: rpmdbNext…
RPM(8)   Red Hat Linux   RPM(8) NAME/名称       rpm - RPM Package Manager/RPM-RPM包管理器SYNOPSIS/简介  QUERYING AND VERIFYING PACKAGES:/查询和验证包: rpm {-q|--query} [select-options] [query-options] rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options]/RPM-V--验证[选…
linux64 red hat 6.3企业版 开始错误装了32位mysql最后怎么也装不上64mysql了,折腾了一番最后全部卸载搞定: file /etc/init.d/mysql from install of MySQL-server-5.5.28-1.linux2.6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package MySQL-server-5.1.7-0.i386    file /usr/bin/my_print_defaults from insta…
1. tar压缩,解压缩 tar -cvf *** (压缩) tar -xvf ***  (解压缩) [root@bogon ~]# tar cvf test.tar test/ test/ test/hello [root@bogon ~]# ls anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog test test.tar [root@bogon ~]# tar xvf test.tar test/ test/hello [root@bogon ~…
Lab 11 System Rescue and Troubleshooting Goal: To build skills in system rescue procedures. Estimated Duration: 2 hours Lab Setup: When using rescue mode on a Xen enabled system, you may be prompted to select which root partition to mount. If you are…
In this blog post I will show you kafka integration with ganglia, this is very interesting & important topic for those who want to do bench-marking, measure performance by monitoring specific Kafka metrics via ganglia. Before going ahead let me brief…