CodeForces 681B Economy Game (暴力)】的更多相关文章

题意:给定一个数,问能不能 找到非负 a, b, c,使得 a × 1 234 567 + b × 123 456 + c × 1 234 = n. 析:二重循环,去确定c. 代码如下: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int aa =…
题目链接: 题目大意: 给出N*M矩阵,对于该矩阵有两种操作: (保证,每行输入的数是 1-m 之间的数且不重复) 1.交换两列,对于整个矩阵只能操作一次 2.每行交换两个数. 交换后是否可以使每行都是1-m 数字递增. 解题思路: 1.得到矩阵后先判断,是否每行可以交换两个数可以得到递增的矩阵,如果可以则输出"YES". 2.暴力交换两列,交换两列后,判断每行是否可以交换两个数得到递增的矩阵,…
codeforces 897A Scarborough Fair 题目链接: 思路: 暴力大法好 代码: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int n,m; string s; int main() { ios…
题目描述: Playlist time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You have a playlist consisting of n songs. The -th song is characterized by two numbers *t**i* - its length and beauty respec…
题意大致是这样的:有一个有n行.每行m个格子的矩形,每次往指定格子里填石子,如果指定格子里已经填过了,则找到与其曼哈顿距离最小的格子,然后填进去,有多个的时候依次按x.y从小到大排序然后取最小的.输出每次填的格子的坐标. 思路:这道题出自Codeforces Round #126 (Div. 2)是个暴力优化的题.如果指定格子未填,则填到里面.否则枚举曼哈顿距离,然后枚举格子找答案.裸的暴力太慢了,主要是因为每次曼哈顿距离都是从1开始搜索,如果每次指定的坐标都是同一个,则做了大量的重复工作.不妨…
Problem D. Digits 题目连接: Description Little Petya likes integers. Recently he has learned about different properties of sums of number's digits. For example, if the sum of number's digits is divisible by 9,…
题意:给定 n 个矩形是a*b的,问你把每一块都分成一样的,然后全放一块,高度都是1,体积最大是多少. 析:这个题,当时并没有完全读懂题意,而且也不怎么会做,没想到就是一个暴力,先排序,先从大的开始选,如果大,那么数量少,如果小,数量就多, 用一个multiset来排序,这样时间复杂度会低一点,每一个都算一下比它的大矩阵的数量,然后算体积,不断更新,最大值. 代码如下: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #i…
CardsTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description You have N cards with different numbers on them. Your goal is to find a card with a maximal number. At the beginning a…
A. k-rounding time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output For a given positive integer n denote its k-rounding as the minimum positive integer x, such that x ends with k or more zeros i…
A. Lucky Year time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Apart from having lots of holidays throughout the year, residents of Berland also have whole lucky years. Year is considered lu…