E. Sasha and Array 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/719/problem/E Description Sasha has an array of integers a1, a2, ..., an. You have to perform m queries. There might be queries of two types: 1 l r x - increase all integers on the segment from l…
E. Sasha and Array time limit per test 5 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Sasha has an array of integers a1, a2, ..., an. You have to perform m queries. There might be queries of two types: 1 l r…
题目地址:http://codeforces.com/contest/474/problem/E 第一次遇到这样的用线段树来维护DP的题目.ASC中也遇到过,当时也非常自然的想到了线段树维护DP,可是那题有简单方法,于是就没写.这次最终写出来了.. 这题的DP思想跟求最长上升子序列的思想是一样的.仅仅只是这里的找前面最大值时会超时,所以能够用线段树来维护这个最大值,然后因为还要输出路径,所以要用线段树再来维护一个每一个数在序列中所在的位置信息. 手残了好多地方,最终调试出来了... 代码例如以下…
CF719E. Sasha and Array 题意: 对长度为 n 的数列进行 m 次操作, 操作为: a[l..r] 每一项都加一个常数 C, 其中 0 ≤ C ≤ 10^9 求 F[a[l]]+F[a[l+1]]+...F[a[r]] mod 1e9+7 的余数 矩阵快速幂求斐波那契 矩阵满足乘法分配律和结合律! 所以可以每个节点维护矩阵/矩阵和,区间加相当于区间乘矩阵 注意:不要把快速幂写在里面,复杂度平添一个log.把\(B^C\)算出来之后传进去就好了 #include <iostr…
题目链接 分析:矩阵快速幂+线段树 斐波那契数列的计算是矩阵快速幂的模板题,这个也没什么很多好解释的,学了矩阵快速幂应该就知道的东西= =这道题比较巧妙的在于需要用线段树来维护矩阵,达到快速查询区间斐波那契数列和的目的.这道题极为卡常数,我TLE了不知道多少发,才在赛后过了这道题. 我尝试下来,发现矩阵乘法的写法极为重要,我就是因为用了三层循环来写矩阵乘法导致了悲剧的TLE,一直卡在了第17组数据.我百度了网上别的矩阵快速幂的写法才过了这道题. 还有涨智识的地方是不要随意memset.我原来的矩…
D. Maxim and Array time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Recently Maxim has found an array of n integers, needed by no one. He immediately come up with idea of changing it: he in…
E. A Simple Task 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/558/problem/E Description This task is very simple. Given a string S of length n and q queries each query is on the format i j k which means sort the substring consisting of the characters from…
链接: https://codeforces.com/contest/1234/problem/D 题意: You are given a string s consisting of lowercase Latin letters and q queries for this string. Recall that the substring s[l;r] of the string s is the string slsl+1-sr. For example, the substrings…
C. Drazil and Park 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/516/problem/C Description Drazil is a monkey. He lives in a circular park. There are n trees around the park. The distance between the i-th tree and (i + 1)-st trees is di, the distance between t…
题目链接: http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/444/C J. DZY Loves Colors time limit per test:2 secondsmemory limit per test:256 megabytes 问题描述 DZY loves colors, and he enjoys painting. On a colorful day, DZY gets a colorful ribbon, which consists of…