clear;clc;close all format compact %% 正态分布的拟合 % 生成随机数 num = 50; y = randn(1000,1); x = 1:num; y = hist(y,num); xx = x(:); yy = y(:); % Set up fittype and options. ft = fittype('y0+(a/(w*sqrt(pi/2)))*exp(-2*((x-xc)/w).^2)', 'independent', 'x', 'depend…
mvnrnd - Multivariate normal random numbers This MATLAB function returns an n-by-d matrix R of random vectors chosen from the multivariate normal distribution with mean MU, and covariance SIGMA. 假设n维, (1)R = mvnrnd(MU,SIGMA) 返回一个n维向量(2)r = mvnrnd(MU,…