string是最简单的类型,一个key对应一个value,string类型是二进制安全的.redis的string可以包含任何数据,比如JPG图片或者序列化的对象 操作 set 设置key对应的值为string类型的value 例如: set name haoxing //设置key为那么value为haoxiang get name //会得到“haoxiang” 注意: set 重复添加相同的key名会覆盖原来的值 setnx …
Problem Description Last year summer Max traveled to California for his vacation. He had a great time there: took many photos, visited famous universities, enjoyed beautiful beaches and tasted various delicious foods. It is such a good trip that Max…
1. 使用find()方法 >>> text = 'yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but yeah' >>> text.find('no')10 2. 使用re.match() 对于复杂的匹配需要使用正则表达式和re 模块.为了解释正则表达式的基本原理,假设想匹配数字格式的日期字符串比如11/27/2012 ,可以这样做:>>> text1 = '11/27/2012'>>> text2 = 'Nov…
本文始发于个人公众号:TechFlow 这是LeetCode的第10题,题目关于字符串的正则匹配,我们先来看题目相关信息: Link Regular Expression Matching Difficulty Hard Description Given an input string (s) and a pattern (p), implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. '.' Matches an…