错误: "Nautilus could not create the required folder "/home/kenneth/.config/nautilus" 发生场景: 虚拟机下的ubuntu server12.04 原因: Just had an epiphiny and realized that I created the .config file as root when installing LXDE. 解决方案: 进入命令行之后输入 > sudo…
config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="FileDepend" type="TestConsole.FileDepend,TestConsole"/> </configSections> <FileDe…
We can create a single folder by doing: mkdir onefolder If we want to create nested folder we need to add '-p' flag: mkdir -p a/b/c It creates three folders 'a', 'b', 'c'.…
Did u have a problem whth the deepin file manager,Everthime I create/delete a Folder of File i have to refresh. When u right click->new Folder ->nothing happens ->then refresh->it is visble like this video apt-cache show dde-file-manager sudo…
Following content is directly reprinted from From MSI to WiX, Part 1 - Required properties Author: Alex Shevchuk Introduction Today I will start a series of posts about creating an MSI installation package using WiX.  The goal here is to show what is…
In the previous tutorial, you learned how to create a reusable knob control. However, it might not be obvious how to make it easy for other developers to reuse it. One way to share it would be to provide the source code files directly. However, this…
https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/create-a-net-core-development-environment-using-visual-studio-code2/ https://www.cnblogs.com/yilezhu/p/9926078.html Almost all .NET developers are accustomed to developing applications using the Visual Studio IDE…
You receive a "The specified file or folder name is too long" error message when you create a new folder or a new document in a document library in SharePoint Portal Server or in Windows SharePoint Services Symptoms You find that there are limit…
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12689139/how-to-change-jenkins-default-folder-on-windows accepted Stop Jenkins service Move C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins Using regedit, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Jen…
Today, I started to create a couple of JSP pages for the server-side part of my MSc thesis project in order to be able to output some meaningful statistics of the underlying data in form of diagrams. The server was already based on Tomcat and Spring…
Create and use a reporting service in Windows Azure SQL Reporting In this tutorial you will learn about how to create and manage a reporting service on Windows Azure SQL Reporting. What is SQL Reporting? SQL Reporting is a cloud-based reporting servi…
1. create a folder named m1 2. run command: npm init, this will create the package.json file 3. create a lib folder using command: mkdir lib 4. create index.js using : touch index.js 5. run command : vim index.js , writing following content into it m…
CLI, as an abbreviation of Command-line Interface, can receive user's input and give an immediate response in terminal. In Node.js, globally installed packages have this kind of command line interface, taking 'http-server' as a brief example here: Wh…
Since I mentioned about "Second Space", let's take a look at Samsung "Secure Folder". This built-in feature for Samsung smartphones is a secret space for storing images, videos, documents and apps. And most important of it, it's encryp…
kafka Failed to send messages after 3 tries. 在kafka0.8开发过程中 生产者测试用例碰到了 Exception in thread "main" kafka.common.FailedToSendMessageException: Failed to send messages after 3 tries.at kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler.handle(DefaultEventHan…
linux相关问题: 1.这几天在使用乌班图时,出现文件夹打开一闪而过现象,于是我试着使用命令行来启动: sudo nautilus 出现下面这一堆错误(error_info): (nautilus:5942): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not pro…
原文地址:https://gist.github.com/maxivak/3e3ee1fca32f3949f052 Install Solr download and install Solr from http://lucene.apache.org/solr/. you can access Solr admin from your browser: http://localhost:8983/solr/ use the port number used in installation. M…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. https://blog.csdn.net/fuchaosz/article/details/52473660 1 前言 经过一周的奋战,终于从谷歌官网上下载最新的android 6.0.1_r62源码,编译成功,并成功的刷入nexus6p,接着root完毕,现写下这篇博客记录一下实践过程. 2 简介 自己下载android系统源码,修改定制,然后编译刷入安卓手机,想想还有点小激动呢.简单点说一句话——定制我们自己的MIUI,这就是andro…
如果你想将你开发的控件与别人分享,一种方法是直接提供源代码文件.然而,这种方法并不是很优雅.它会暴露所有的实现细节,而这些实现你可能并不想开源出来.此外,开发者也可能并不想看到你的所有代码,因为他们可能仅仅希望将你的这份漂亮代码的一部分植入自己的应用中. 另一种方法是将你的代码编译成静态库(library),让其他开发者添加到自己的项目中.然而,这需要你一并公布所有的公开的头文件,实在是非常不方便. 你需要一种简单的方法来编译你的代码,这种方法应该使得你的代码易分享,并且在多个工程中易复用.你需…
All Hadoop sub-projects such as Hive, Pig, and HBase support Linux operating system. Therefore, you need to install any Linux flavored OS. The following simple steps are executed for Hive installation: Step 1: Verifying JAVA Installation Java must be…
LISA是ARM公司开发的一款开源工具.在内核开发过程中,苦于无法针对修改内容进行一些量化或者可视化结果的测量,而无感.LISA对于模型调优,回归测试都有较强的支持. 什么是LISA? LISA是Linux Interactive System Analysis的缩写,从字面意思可以看出是一个分析工具,具有交互性特点,这有赖于ipython脚本. LISA是一个Linux环境下用于回归测试和对于各种workload进行交互测试的工具集.目前LISA主要专注于scheduler.power man…
Lars Vogel, (c) 2012, 2016 vogella GmbHVersion 1.4,06.10.2016 Table of Contents 1. Introduction to FreeMarker 2. Installation of FreeMarker 3. Eclipse Integration 4. Basic example 5. Useful FTL tricks 5.1. Reuse common template fragments 5.2. Variabl…
本文转自cocoachina,尊重作者的汗水. 讲述的非常透彻,有需要的朋友可以阅读实践.转载请注明出处 //=================以下留着备份==================// 在上一篇教程(中译版)中,你学到了怎么样创建一个可复用的圆形旋钮控件.然而你可能不清楚怎样让其他开发者更方便地去复用它. 如果你想将你开发的控件与别人分享,一种方法是直接提供源代码文件.然而,这种方法并不是很优雅.它会暴露所有的实现细节,而这些实现你可能并不想开源出来.此外,开发者也可能并不想看到你的…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to…
Understanding the various methods of an API can be a challenge for a developer when building a consuming application. Generating good documentation and help pages as a part of your Web API using Swagger with the .NET Core implementation Swashbuckle i…
注:本文是[ASP.NET Identity系列教程]的第一篇.本系列教程详细.完整.深入地介绍了微软的ASP.NET Identity技术,描述了如何运用ASP.NET Identity实现应用程序的用户管理,以及实现应用程序的认证与授权等相关技术,译者希望本系列教程能成为掌握ASP.NET Identity技术的一份完整而有价值的资料.读者若是能够按照文章的描述,一边阅读.一边实践.一边理解,定能有意想不到的巨大收获!希望本系列博文能够得到广大园友的高度推荐. $(document).rea…
Web Pages - Efficient Paging Without The WebGrid If you want to display your data over a number of pages using WebMatrix Beta1, you have two options. One is to use the built-in paging support that comes with the WebGrid helper. But that means that yo…
参考: zend stuido 12.5的插件安装 zend 12.5 安装插件是按类别进行分类了的, 而且是在欢迎 界面就可以直接安装, 安装后,要重启zend才能生效 版式设计的一个基本点就是: 高地 宽窄要错落有致, 不是方方正正的, 文字/图标/颜色的变化和组合.... 背景颜色的变化, 并不是整个body的背景颜色改变, 也不是整个div, 大块大块的div背景颜色变灰, ... 通常是: 整个的背景颜色还是 白色或浅色, 然后 在某个小的 div分块 / 小的table区域 背景颜色…
4.1 Storage requirements for the master dataset To determine the requirements for data storage, you must consider how your data will be written and how it will be read. The role of the batch layer within the Lambda Architecture affects both values. I…
Step Description 1 Create a project with a name SpringExample and create a package com.tutorialspoint under the src folder in the created project. 2 Add required Spring libraries using Add External JARs option as explained in the Spring Hello World E…