问题: I am trying to connect to a postgres database installed in a remote server using the following command: psql -h host_ip -U db_username -d db_name This the error that occurs: psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server runn…
由于项目需要,在一台虚拟机上安装了MongoDB,但是在启动的时候,出现如下错误: [root@localhost bin]# ./mongo MongoDB shell version v3.4.0 connecting to: mongodb:// 2018-09-27T21:11:14.779+0800 W NETWORK [main] Failed to connect to, reason: Connection refus…
Linux下面telnet ip 端口号 报错误"Unable to connect to remote host:Connection refused"的时候,大部分是目标机的端口对应的服务宕掉了. 先用netstat -napt命令,看系统有没有在监听你telnet的端口号,若没有对应的端口号,而该机器提供该端口的服务,直接重启下端口对应的服务,启动成功后在用netstat -napt查看端口,一般即可显示出来,最后telnet端口应该就是通的了. stats 查看memcache…