原文地址:http://pythoncentral.io/sqlalchemy-vs-orms/ Overview of Python ORMs As a wonderful language, Python has lots of ORM libraries besides SQLAlchemy. In this article, we are going to take a look at several popular alternative ORM libraries to better…
Comparison Between Python ORMs For each Python ORM presented in this article, we are going to list their pros and cons here: SQLObject Pros: Adopted the easy-to-understand ActiveRecord pattern A relatively small codebase Cons: Naming of methods and c…
SQLAlchemy SQLAlchemy is an open source SQL toolkit and ORM for the Python programming language released under the MIT license. It was released initially in February 2006 and written by Michael Bayer. It provides "a full suite of well known enterpris…
Django's ORM Django is a free and open source web application framework whose ORM is built tightly into the system. After its initial release, Django becomes more and more popular due to its straightforward design and easy-to-use web-ready features.…
Storm Storm is a Python ORM that maps objects between one or more databases and Python. It allows developers to construct complex queries across multiple database tables to support dynamic storage and retrieval of object information. It was developed…
SQLObject SQLObject is a Python ORM that maps objects between a SQL database and Python. It is becoming more popular in the programming community due to its similarity to Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord pattern. The first version of SQLObject was release…
PonyORM PonyORM allows you to query the database using Python generators. These generators are translated into SQL and the results are automatically mapped into Python objects. Writing queries as Python generators makes it easy for programmers to qui…
peewee peewee is a small, expressive ORM. Compared to other ORMs, peewee focuses on the principal of minimalism where the API is simple and the library is easy to use and understand. pip install peewee Downloading/unpacking peewee Downloading peewee-…
安装 在Python使用SQLAlchemy的首要前提是安装相应的模块,当然作为python的优势,可以到python安装目录下的scripts下,同时按住shift+加上鼠标左键,从而在菜单中打开命令行 使用:1.pip3 install pymysql     2.pip3 install sqlalchemy两个命令从而安装需要的模块 使用 在使用之前首先需要建相应的数据库,而不需要建立表.下面开始: 相关模块导入 import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy imp…
Python的SQLAlchemy和ORM(object-relational mapping:对象关系映射) web编程中有一项常规任务就是创建一个有效的后台数据库.以前,程序员是通过写sql语句,发送到数据库引擎,解析并返回一个记录的数组.现在,程序员可以写ORM程序来取代之前那种不灵活.难以维护的冗长.易出错的sql语句. ORM是面向对象编程语言中用来在不兼容的类型系统(incompatible type systems)之间转换数据的一种编程技术.通常在OO语言中的类型系统,比如pyt…