Netgen mesh library : nglib】的更多相关文章

Netgen mesh library : nglib 摘要Abstract:本文主是对Netgen的库nglib的用法进行介绍.主要参考资料是Netgen用户指南.最后给出一个具体程序实例. 关键字Key Words:Netgen, nglib, Mesh 一.引言 Introduction Netgen网格生成库nglib是以C++源程序形式提供,可以编译为Unix/Linux或Windows上的库文件.程序开发使用的接口文件是nglib.h. 二.头文件 The…
Hello Netgen 摘要Abstract:本文主要介绍如何对下载的Netgen源码进行编译生成Netgen程序和程序开发所需要的库nglib. 关键字Key Words:Netgen, nglib, Mesh Generator, OpenCascade, Triangulation 一.引言 Introduction NETGEN是一个二维/三维自动网格剖分工具,并且遵循LGPL开源协议.即可以作为一个带有用户界面的单独程序使用,也可以作为C++的库文件被其它…
官方文档教程编译源码: Building the mesh stack The mesh library and example applications can be built using either CMake or SEGGER Embedded Studio.…
Computational Geometry The Geometry Center (UIUC) Computational Geometry Pages (UIUC) Geometry in Action (UIC) Geometric Resource (UFL) CAGD Applets (UKA) Voronoi/Delaunay Applet (CornellUniversity) Directory of Computational Geometry Software (Dr. N…
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Computer Graphics Research Software Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009! Last updated December 5, 2012.Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@…
EasyMesh - A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator Abstract. EasyMesh is developed by Bojan Niceno, it is a two-dimensional quality mesh generator. EasyMesh can generate two dimensional, unstructured, Delaunay and constrained Delaunay…
Mesh Data Structure in OpenCascade 摘要Abstract:本文对网格数据结构作简要介绍,并结合使用OpenCascade中的数据结构,将网格数据在OpenSceneGraph中可视化. 关键字KeyWords:OpenCascade.OpenSceneGraph.Triangulation.Mesh Data Structure 一.引言 Introduction 三角网格就是全部由三角形组成的多边形网格.多边形和三角网格在图形学和建…
Mesh Algorithm in OpenCascade Abstract. Rendering a generic surface is a two steps process: first, computing the points that will form the mesh of the surface and then, send this mesh to 3D API. Use the Triangle to triangulate the param… Update 2018-02-06: Since this article was published, we’ve launched Conduit, an open source, ultralight service mesh for Kubernetes! To learn more, check out our Conduit launch…