Here's to the crazy ones.】的更多相关文章

一直很想谈谈Continuous Integration(CI),持续集成. 就在不久前一次朋友聚会上,一个刚刚跳槽到一家创业公司的朋友跟我抱怨说他们没有CI,没有code review,要做点事太累了.而其实让这个刚刚开始上手的新手项目经理无语到吐的原因是,他们的一名主要开发人员责任心不够,很难沟通,bug率很高,还不愿加班改bug. “现在招人很难的啊,所以也不能把他fire掉,哎...” “有了CI又能怎样呢?” “至少不用等到QA发现问题,下班前就能抓住他了!不过现在我们QA连自动化测试…
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, quote them, dis…
树状数组维护DP + 高精度 Description These days, Sempr is crazed on one problem named Crazy Thair. Given N (1 ≤ N ≤ 50000) numbers, which are no more than 109, Crazy Thair is a group of 5 numbers {i, j, k, l, m} satisfying: 1 ≤ i < j < k < l < m ≤ N Ai…
Crazy Search Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 26713 Accepted: 7449 Description Many people like to solve hard puzzles some of which may lead them to madness. One such puzzle could be finding a hidden prime number in a given…
C - Crazy Calendar Time Limit:4000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice LightOJ 1393 Description 2011 was a crazy year. Many people all over the world proposed on 11-11-11, married on 11-11-11, some even w…
题目连接 Crazy Search Description Many people like to solve hard puzzles some of which may lead them to madness. One such puzzle could be finding a hidden prime number in a given text. Such number could be t…
题目传送门 /* 题意:给一个树,节点上有权值,问最多能找出多少个点满足在树上是连通的并且按照权值排序后相邻的点 在树上的路径权值都小于这两个点 DFS/BFS+思维:按照权值的大小,从小的到大的连有向边,搜索最多连接点数即是答案.因为排序后,他们之间的路径, 可定都是从当前节点u连过去的,那么都是小于这两个节点的.DFS需手动加栈,BFS类似拓扑排序的思路 */ #pragma comment (linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #inc…
HDU 3157 Crazy Circuits 题目链接 题意:一个电路板,上面有N个接线柱(标号1~N),还有两个电源接线柱 + -.给出一些线路,每一个线路有一个下限值求一个能够让全部部件正常工作的总电流 没有则输出impossible 思路: 有源汇有上下界求最小流,建模方法为: 按无源汇先建图,跑超级源汇ss->tt一次.然后增加t->s,容量INF的边,在跑一次ss->tt,假设是满流.就有解,解为t->s边的当前流量 顺带写个最大流的,最大流就先把t->s增加直接…
C. Crazy Town   Crazy Town is a plane on which there are n infinite line roads. Each road is defined by the equation aix + biy + ci = 0, where ai and bi are not both equal to the zero. The roads divide the plane into connected regions, possibly of in…
题目:hdoj 3157 Crazy Circuits 题意:如今要制造一个电路板.电路板上有 n 个电子元件,各个元件之间有单向的电流流向.然后有一个 + .电流进入, -- 电流汇入,然后推断能不能让电路板工作,假设能的话求最小电流. 分析:有上下界网络流,求最小流 首先是推断能不可以让电路板工作.能工作的条件就是流量平衡.推断方法前面题目中讲过. 相同先转换为无源汇网络流问题,加入t→ s边权为无穷. 那么最小流不就是在满足全部下界的情况的流么. 即上面提到的,求得SS→ TT的最大流之后…