Network Stack‎ : Disk Cache】的更多相关文章

Disk Cache 目录 1 Overview 2 External Interface 3 Disk Structure 3.1 Cache Address 3.2 Index File Structure 3.3 Block File Structure 3.4 Cache Entry 3.5 The Big Picture 4 Implementation Notes 4.1 Lower Interface 4.2 Eviction 4.3 Buffering 4.4 Deleting…
HTTP Cache 目录 1 Operation 2 Sparse Entries 3 Truncated Entries 4 Byte-Range Requests 5 HttpCache::Transaction   Overview   The HTTP Cache is the module that receives HTTP(S) requests and decides when and how to fetch data from the Disk Cache or from…
Network Stack 目录 1 Overview 2 Code Layout 3 Anatomy of a Network Request (focused on HTTP) 3.1 URLRequest 3.2 URLRequestHttpJob 3.3 HttpNetworkTransaction 3.4 HttpStreamFactory 3.4.1 Proxy Resolution 3.4.2 Connection Management 3.4.3 Host Resolution… Queueing in the Linux Network Stack [A slightly shorter and edited version of this article appeared in the July 2013 issue of Linux Journal. Thanks…
说起缓存,大家可能口若悬河,各种类型的缓存都能一一分析,但在net下找到一款合适的Disk Cache貌似还是有一点难度的. 一:背景 事情是这样的,最近的一个项目中,需要在web端绘制一些报表,因为报表的基础数据源都是全内存式的,所以内存相对我们来说是比较吃紧的,大家可能 大家知道,比如一些散点图,这种类型的报表数据非常的多,为了加速,我需要缓存两种数据: 1. 根据基础数据源计算出中间结果,为了下一次加速,缓存个几十分钟,这个数据量相对来说比较大. 2. 将服务的Response进行30分钟…
The Chilkat Spider component has disk caching capabilities. To setup a disk cache, create a new directory anywhere on your local hard drive and set the CacheDir property to the path. For example, you might create "c:/spiderCache/". The UpdateCac…
200 from memory cache 不访问服务器,直接读缓存,从内存中读取缓存.此时的数据时缓存到内存中的,当kill进程后,数据将不存在200 from disk cache 不访问服务器,直接读缓存,从磁盘中读取缓存,当kill进程时,数据还是存在.304 Not Modified 访问服务器,发现数据没有更新,服务器返回此状态码.然后从缓存中读取数据.…
一.协议栈 主要有两大网络协议栈,uIP和Rime这两大协议栈(network stack): The uIP TCP/IP stack, which provides us with IPv4 networking. The uIPv6 stack, which provides IPv6 networking. The Rime stack, which is a set of custom lightweight networking protocols designed for low-…
三者情况有什么区别和联系,什么情况下会发生200 from memory cache 或 200 from disk cache 或 304 Not Modified? 200 from memory cache / from disk cache / 304 Not Modified 区别 >> python这个答案描述的挺清楚的:…
HTTP authentication As specified in RFC 2617, HTTP supports authentication using the WWW-Authenticate request headers and the Authorization response headers (and the Proxy-Authenticate and Proxy-Authorization headers for proxy authentication).   Supp…