首先我们看一下简单的字符串匹配. 你可以把文本字符串s固定,模式字符串p从s对齐的左边缘,作为承担部分完全一致,匹配成功,失败将是模式字符串p整体向右1地点,继续检查对齐部分,重复. #朴素匹配 def naive_match(s, p): m = len(s); n = len(p) for i in range(m-n+1):#起始指针i if s[i:i+n] == p: return True return False 关于kmp算法,讲的最好的当属阮一峰的<字符串匹配的KMP算法>.…
1. 参数中直接加入%%,注意不需要加两个单引号,加了就会出错,因为系统会自动为字符串类型加上两个单引号 <select id="selectPersons" resultType="person" parameterType="person"> select id,sex,age,username,password from person where true <if test="username!=null&qu…
Problem Description Last year summer Max traveled to California for his vacation. He had a great time there: took many photos, visited famous universities, enjoyed beautiful beaches and tasted various delicious foods. It is such a good trip that Max…