How to learn a new technology】的更多相关文章

是什么?为什么会出现? 这一阶段主要是对该技术有一个整体了解,他所解决的是什么问题,他的整体结构等. 怎么做? 最简单的是找一个上手视频,因为视频是非常直观的展示了技术的使用.先学会用是最根本的,对于没有视频的技术的话,就可以搜索XX上手教程,XX学习记录之类的关键词,很轻松就找到了相关的上手博文,这一阶段一般都是环境整合搭建,然后写一个简单的入门Demo. 第二个阶段,学会基本使用了就要去看官方文档,文档会让你更加详细的了解该技术的特性,开一个Demo项目把官方的一些例子都试试. 第三个阶段,… You’ve probably heard the news that the Internet is in trouble. The last block of IP addresses has been assigned by the Regional Internet Registries. However, considering that NAT is an effici…
Building Web Apps with SignalR, Part 1 In the first installment of app-building with SignalR, learn how to build a real-time chat application. By Eric Vogel 01/22/2013 GET CODE DOWNLOAD More on this topic: Building a Chat Web App with Signal R, Part…
原文: Build Your own Simplified AngularJS in 200 Lines of JavaScript Edit My practice proved that there are two good/easy ways to learn a new technology: Re-implement i… How the annual review scores are formed in the eyes of managers always fascinated me. I have five years of experience with annual reviews myself, and I w…
Autobiography My name is Donggongdechen. I am ** years old. I was born in XuChang, HeNan province, the capital of Wei in three Kingdoms. And I have a brother, who is three years younger than me and is a college student also in our province, majoring…
这篇文章的全局观和思路一级棒! The Fairy Tale Cast your mind back to 2010 when users started to demand interactive web applications. Back then the only real solution was jQuery, and I’d love to know how many of us have sat debugging 1000+ lines of jQuery at some po…
How Will Java Technology Change My Life? We can't promise you fame, fortune, or even a job if you learn the Java programming language. Still, it is likely to make your programs better and requires less effort than other languages. We believe that Jav…
Entrepreneur and author ShaoLan Hsueh thinks that English-speakers can start learning to read Chinese in less than 10 minutes. The language, she says, has more than 20,000 written characters, which most students in China learn by rote memorization. M…
<学得少却考得好Learn More Study Less>这本书最早是从褪墨网站上看到的,crowncheng翻译了全文.这本书介绍了不少学习方法,非常适合在校的学生,原文的作者Scott Young在高中和大学的学习成绩很好,但花在学习上的时间并不太多. 全书一上来引入了Holistic(整体性学习方法)这个单词,用来与死记硬背(Rote Memorization)学习法相区别,书的第四部分为小结,所以主要内容实际上是三个部分: 一.策略Strategy 二.技术Technology 三.…