一.语义化元素 1. ul标签 W3C草案: The ul element represents an unordered list of items; that is, a list in which changing the order of the items would not change the meaning of list.W3C specification 语义化<ul>元素:表示包含一组无序列表项内容. 在不同的浏览器默认样式均有所不同: 列表项有一些特定的CSS…
hhvm是php的第三方运行环境,由facebook出品,基于该运行环境,它还提供了一种编程语言hack - PHP的静态类型版. 折腾了一天后,包括各种编译.配置.FQ,后面终于忍不住搜了一下 http://dl.hhvm.com mirrors ,终于找到了答案. https://docs.hhvm.com/hhvm/installation/linux#mirrors There are a variety of volunteered owned mirrors to get the p…
Anagramic squares By replacing each of the letters in the word CARE with 1, 2, 9, and 6 respectively, we form a square number: 1296 = 362. What is remarkable is that, by using the same digital substitutions, the anagram, RACE, also forms a square num…
原文:UICollectionViews Now Have Easy Reordering 我是UICollectionView的忠实粉丝.这个类比起它的老哥UITableView类具有更高的可定制性.现在我用collection view的次数要比用table view还多.随着iOS9的到来,它支持简单的重排.在此之前,重排不可能有现成的方法,同时这样做也是件痛苦的工作.现在让我们来看看API,你可以在GitHub找到相应的Xcode工程. 添加简单重排的最简单的方式是用UICollecti…