The Progress of Products Classification Cause now we are considering to classify the product by two kinds of features, product images, and product title. I tried to handle these two kinds of features individually, on the product title side, I used Ke…
It is important to note the distinction between time series and sequential data. In both cases, the data consist of a sequence, or list of values, in which the order is important. Time series is a subclass of sequential data where the longitudinal co… September 12, 2018   We are excited to announce that today we are open-sourcing LogDevice! The code is now available on GitHub under the permissive 3-clause BSD license. LogDevice i…
from : 1.以前装过elasticsearch,重新安装elastic search ,报错 [2019-07-19T14:32:10,720][ERROR][o.e.g.GatewayMetaState ] [master-node] failed to read local state, exiting... org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchExceptio…
主讲人 张巍 (新浪微博: @张巍_ISCAS) 软件所-张巍<> 19:01:27 我们开始吧,十三章是关于序列数据,现实中很多数据是有前后关系的,例如语音或者DNA序列,例子就不多举了,对于这类数据我们很自然会想到用马尔科夫链来建模: 例如直接假设观测数据之间服从一阶马尔科夫链,这个假设显然太简单了,因为很多数据时明显有高阶相关性的,一个解决方法是用高阶马尔科夫链建模: 但这样并不能完全解决问题 :1.高阶马尔科夫模型参数太多:2.数据间的相关性仍然受阶数限制.一个好…
"I worked up a full implementation as well but I decided that it was too complicated to post in the blog. What I was really trying to get across was that immutable data structures were possible and not that hard; a full-on finger tree implementation…
昨晚,包发到测试环境中,出现redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: 断开的管道 (Write failed),如下所示: [] 2019-01-30 22:01:39 [4300897] [o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[.[dispatcherServlet]]-[ERROR] http-nio-8086-exec-6 Servlet.service() for serv…
执行Oozie调度Hive导数脚本抛 data exceeds its limit [2048] 原因分析 shell脚本中一次提交的hql-mr作业量太大,其中包含的信息超过oozie launcher一次容许的最大值2K(2K是默认值) 解决办法 1)修改oozie-site.xml:<property> <name></name> &…
1) 熟悉CEL file 从 NCBI GEO (下载GSE24460. 将得到一个 GSE24460_RAW.tar 文件,解压.产生CEL文件,包含各种信息. if("affy" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {source("…
今天突然接到客户反映线上服务器发送消息异常,登录服务器查看是kafka服务出现了问题,想重启一下服务,结果重启出现一下报错 [2017-06-30 19:29:13,708] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStartable startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement fai…
OLE DB Destination组件提供了fast load选项,用bulk模式load数据而不是row-to-row的模式.这样性能上好.但是需要注意一点就是,一旦用了fast load,error handling的ignore data errors和redirect row将失效.如果要求不抓错误就没办法使用fast load了.…
在使用oozie调用sqoop时,报了下边这个错 Launcher AM execution failed data exceeds its limit [] at org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LocalFsOperations.getLocalFileContentAsString( at org.apache.oozie.action…
Enabling discretionary data access control in a cloud computing environment can begin with the obtainment of a data request and response message by an access manager service. The response message can be generated by a data storage service in response…
1.起因,启动SpringBoot2.0的时候报了这个错误.说找不到类,咱也是刚学SpringBoot2.0,咱也不懂,咱也不知道问谁,研究一翻,找不到原因就百度了. 参考链接: 报错如下所示: -javaagent:D:\biehl\idea\lib\idea_rt.jar=:D:\biehl\idea\bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF- -classpath "D:\bie…
JavaScript data types and data structures Programming languages all have built-in data structures, but these often differ from one language to another. This article attempts to list the built-in data structures available in JavaScript and what proper…
原文: MongoDB 的一大特点就是所有的记录都是文档形式,无所谓数据库字段,每一条数据都是独立的.在使用Spring Data MongoDB 时,如果直接用关系型数据库的用法去套,那会发现很难发挥MongoDB的特性. 我在搜索如何解决问题的时候,发现了一篇问答正好能解决我的问题,所…
本文是阅读 LinkedIn 公司2020年发表的论文 Magnet: Push-based Shuffle Service for Large-scale Data Processing 一点笔记. 什么是Shuffle 以上图为例,在一个DAG的执行图中,节点与节点之间的数据交换就是Shuffle的过程.虽然Shuffle的过程很简单,但是不同的引擎有不同的实现. 以shuffle数据传输的介质来看 有基于磁盘的shuffle,例如Map/Reduce ,Spark,Flink Batch中…
[PHP];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; About php.ini   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PHP's initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for; configuring many of the aspects of PHP's behavior.; php的初始化文件,通常叫做php.ini,负责配置php很多层面的行为; PHP attempts to find an…
2. Use notepad to open httpd.conf config file. Make use the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" is un-commented. 3. Under "<directory XXX></directory>" section, change the line "AllowOverride None&q…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; About php.ini   ;  //关于php;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PHP's initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for; configuring many of the aspects of PHP's behavior.                      //这个是php初始化文件,通常称为php.ini,负责各个方面php行为…
0x01 PHP 简介 PHP 是一种流行的通用脚本语言, 特别适合 web 开发. 快速, 灵活, 务实, PHP 的所有东西, 从你的博客到世界上最流行的网站. 0x02 PHP环境要求 Tips:开发 PHP 时需要什么样的硬件,以及在各种操作系统平台上所需要的软件 0x03 PHP 资源下载 1. 下载PHP安装包 PHP源码官方下载: PHP安装包官网下载(Windows):…
在使用xampp进行开发的时候,我们都知道它只能支持一个PHP版本不能像PHPstudy那样方便进行不同版本的切换操作.因此我们手动的对于xampp进行改造一下,使其支持其他PHP版本 1. 从官网上下载指定的PHP版本 实例: 我本地是使用的PHP5.6版本,由于新项目开发,需要PHP7.3版本,因此我就直接找到对应的PHP版本即可(注意:线程与非线程和架构版本) 2. 修改相关配置文件 1)将下载并解压的PHP新版本放置在与之前PHP同一个目录之下 例如: 我之前的PHP路径 E:\xamp…
环境 系统                 Centos7 zabbix版本      Zabbix 3.4.15 (revision 86739) zabbix源码安装 .tar.gz cd zabbix-/ ./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2 --prefix=/usr/local/zabbix/…
Dockerfile: FROM centos:7 MAINTAINER RUN yum install epel-release -y && \ yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make gd-devel libxml2-devel \ libcurl-devel libjpeg-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel \ libmcrypt-devel libxslt-devel libtidy-devel a…
公司需要升级PHP版本至PHP7,对于用惯了wamp的来说,添加一下PHP扩展应该是很容易的,看我以前的文章(WampServer自己DIY添加apache.php.mysql版本). 不过再配置的当中并不顺利,要集成php7.1.15花了一点时间,因为使用的是 wampserver2.2e-php5.3.13-httpd2.2.22-mysql5.5.24-32b.exe 这个版本,导致集成出现两个问题: 1.php7版本提供的apache扩展dll文件并不支持apache2.2,只支持apa…
apache: php: 集成安装配置版: 手动安装配置:httpd.conf(apache) 和php.ini (php)文件 D:\Apache24\conf: httpd.conf # # This is the main Apache HTTP serve…
1.1 docker基础 1.docker与虚拟机比较 2.docker版本 1. 社区版(Community Edition, CE) 2. 企业版(Enterprise Edition, EE) 1.2 docker安装 1.docker安装参考官方文档 1. docker官方文档: 2. centos安装docker: 注:docke…
Go 2 Draft Designs 28 August 2018 Yesterday, at our annual Go contributor summit, attendees got a sneak peek at preliminary drafts of possible designs for changes to error handling and generics. The development of Go 2 was announced last year and we…