Code download available at:CuttingEdge0407.exe(128 KB)   Contents What's a Cache Dependency, Anyway? Cache Dependencies in ASP.NET 2.0 Custom Cache Dependencies in ASP.NET 1.x Setting Up the Timer Creating a Web Service Dependency Database Dependenci… 2.0 提供了一个新的数据缓存功能,就是利用sql server2005 的异步通知功能来实现缓存 1.首先在sqlserver2005 中创建一个test的数据库. 在SQL Server 2005上执行 ALTER DATABASE <DatabaseName> SET ENABLE_BROKER;语句让相应的数据库启用监听服务,以便支持SqlDependency特性. 添加一个 employee的数据库表. 1CREATETABLE[dbo].[employee](2[i…
本文转自: In my previous article I explained how errors in an ASP.NET Core web application can be dealt with  using middleware. I also mentioned that time that you can also…
In this lesson, you will learn how to implement business classes from scratch. For this purpose, the Position business class will be implemented. This class will be used in the Contact class, implemented previously. You will also learn the basics of…
In this lesson, you will learn how to implement business classes from scratch. For this purpose, the Department and Position business classes will be implemented. These classes will be used in the Contact class, implemented previously. You will also…
因为考虑到我下面我将写session cookies 等 操作类 ,与cache具有共性. 所以都统一继承了IHttpStorageObject  abstract class 来保函数风格的统一 ,但是又为了调用方便,抽象中又使用了单例来简化调用. 使用方法很简单: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Web; using Syste……
原文:Forms Authentication in ASP.NET MVC 4 Contents: Introduction Implement a custom membership provider Implement a custom role provider Implement a custom user principal and identity Implement a custom authorization filter Summary 1. Introduction  Fo…
问: I'm trying to make a custom authorization attribute in ASP.NET Core. In previous versions it was possible to override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext). But this no longer exists in AuthorizeAttribute. What is the current approach to…
这篇文章(主要翻译于官网,水平有限,见谅)讲解 core 中的 Cache in-memory (内存缓存). Cache in-memory in ASP.NET Core Caching basics Caching 可以显著的提升应用的performance(表现) 和 scalability,通过减少生成内容所必需的做的工作.Caching 在变动比较的数据上工作的最好.Caching 可以做一个备份数据,使得数据比从原来的地方取的快一些. ASP.NET Core支持几种…