合集目录 Java多线程专题2: JMM(Java内存模型) Java中Synchronized关键字的内存语义是什么? If two or more threads share an object, and more than one thread updates variables in that shared object, race conditions may occur. To solve this problem you can use a Java synchronized bl…
锁的释放-获取建立的happens before 关系 锁是Java并发编程中最重要的同步机制.锁除了让临界区互斥执行外,还可以让释放锁的线程向获取同一个锁的线程发送消息. 下面是锁释放-获取的示例代码: class MonitorExample { int a = 0; public synchronized void writer() { //1 a++; //2 } …