Ranking the cows Description Each of Farmer John's N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000) produces milk at a different positive rate, and FJ would like to order his cows according to these rates from the fastest milk producer to the slowest. FJ has already compared…
传送门 题意: 农场主 FJ 有 n 头奶牛,现在给你 m 对关系(x,y)表示奶牛x的产奶速率高于奶牛y: FJ 想按照奶牛的产奶速率由高到低排列这些奶牛,但是这 m 对关系可能不能精确确定这 n 头奶牛的关系: 问最少需要额外增加多少对关系使得可以确定这 n 头奶牛的顺序: 题解: 之所以做这道题,是因为在补CF的题时用到了bitset<>: 搜这个容器的用法是看到了一篇标题为POJ-3275:奶牛排序Ranking the Cows(Floyd.bitset)的文章: 正好拿着道题练练b…
[BZOJ1720][Usaco2006 Jan]Corral the Cows 奶牛围栏 Description Farmer John wishes to build a corral for his cows. Being finicky beasts, they demand that the corral be square and that the corral contain at least C (1 <= C <= 500) clover fields for afterno…