脚本这种东西,就是要常用,否则一段时间不用就生疏了,因此决定时时记一些小知识点,一来回顾一下,二来需要的时候可以迅速获得提示. Sort by number You could now write a numeric sort subroutine like this: sub by_number { # a sort subroutine, expect $a and $b } } } } To use the sort subroutine, just put its name (witho…
select * from ( select * from ( select a.*,rownum rn from page a where object_id >1000 and owner='SYS' order by object_id desc ) where rownum<=20 ) where rn>=20; 现在加个HINT SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'ALLSTATS L…