adb server is out of date. killing完美解决 今天,久未出现的著名的“adb server is out of date. killing”又发生了,在此,将解决方法记下,以便日后查看. 连接usb后重启adb-server: adb kill-server adb start-server adb devices 1. 错误信息: C:\Users\lizy>adb devices adb devicesadb server is out of date.…
下面是Android的学习笔记,原文地址. 我是使用adb devices出现如下红字错误, 使用第一种方法方法,结果关掉豌豆荚就可以了. android adb启动失败问题 adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * 今天打开Eclipse,真机连接之前,是要启动adb的,突然发现就失败了. 错误如下--> adb server is out of date.…
草泥马的adb: “adb server is out of date. killing.... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * ” 网上搜了一大堆,什么豌豆荚,360,拔插数据线,重启eclipse,关机重启还有人说重装系统,全都没用,.. 方法: 1.查看哪个狗日的程序占用了5037端口, 2.找出来杀了它就可以了. 例子: 1: 2: 3:…
忘了原文从哪来的了,过后查到补上链接 今天调试android的时候发现一个诡异的问题 C:\Users\xxxx>adb start-server adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * adb 不管执行 shell devices 还是logcat 都会报错 究其源就是adb server没启动经过分析整理如下: C:\Users\xxxx>a…
1:今天调试android的时候发现一个诡异的问题 C:\Users\xxxx>adb start-server adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * C:\Users\xxxx>adb start-server adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to s…
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [-- :: - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [-- :: - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\OPhoneSDK_1.5 \platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.…
在使用ADT Bundle进Android开发时,有时经常会碰到如下错误提示: adb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * 在网上查找了不少资料,最后得知其原因在于ADB server没有成功启动,其端口被占用. 首先查找对应端口: F:\adt-bundle\sdk\platform-tools>adb nodaemon server cannot bind 'tc…
原本是想跑monkey测试的,可使用adb命令时提示:adb server is out of date. killing... 出现这个问题的原因是:adb使用的端口5037被占用了.下面我们说下如何找到是哪个程序占用了这个端口,顺便看看cmd里面的一些类似Linux的进程操作. 1.错误信息: C:\Users\admin>adb shell monkey -helpadb server is out of date. killing...ADB server didn't ACK* fa…
记录个小问题,这两天用到了android中的远程调试一个开发板,经常碰到一个问题,android中ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon 或者找不到sdk的路径 或者 adb server is out of date.网上搜了一下,发现大部分说的是在任务管理器中关闭adb.exe的进程,关闭Eclipse ,然后都重新启动,但是现在最让人郁闷的是任务管理器根本就找不到adb.exe. 另外一种现象是在cmd窗口输…
The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. [-- :: - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse. [-- :: - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\OPhoneSDK_1.5 \platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.…
今天,久未出现的著名的“adb server is out of date. killing”又发生了,在此,将解决方法记下,以便日后查看. 1. 错误信息: C:\Users\lizy>adb devices adb devicesadb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK* failed to start daemon *error: unknown host service 2. 原因: adb的端口(5037…
[问题描述] 1.打开运行:window+R,输入cmd回车 2.使用命令 adb shell 无法登录安卓设备,提示如下: adb server is out of date. killing... * daemon started successfully * ** daemon still not running error: cannot connect to daemon 3.使用 netstat 命令发现占用 5037 端口的进程就是 adb.exe,用 taskkill 命令杀掉…
今天,久未出现的著名的“adb server is out of date. killing”又发生了,在此,将解决方法记下,以便日后查看. 1. 错误信息: C:\Users\lizy>adb devices adb devicesadb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK* failed to start daemon *error: unknown host service 2. 原因: adb的端口(5037…
欢迎关注公众号,每天推送Android技术文章,二维码如下:(可扫描) 出现这个原因我个人感觉有两个.一.5037端口被别的程序或者进程占用:二.adb占用的不是5037端口.很多人仅仅知道第一种二忽视了第二种. 不管哪个原因,解决问题的办法都一样.这里做一个整理如下: 1. 错误信息: C:\Users\lizy>adb devices adb devicesadb server is out of date. killing... ADB server didn't ACK* failed…
调试Android程序时总提示ADB未运行,转到命令行方式下启动ADB, adb kille-server停止ADB, 然后再运行adb start-server 随后提示: adb server is out of date. killing- ADB server didn't ack *failed to start daemon * 一番检查后想到会不会是端口被占用了,只好命令行查询看看. 命令行下输入: adb nodaemon server 提示"cannot bind 'tcp:5…
在命令行中运行adb shell 出现如下错误提示 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>adb shelladb server is out of date. killing...ADB server didn't ACK* failed to start daemon *error: protocol fault (no status) 经过调试之后发现产生这个问题的原因是:adb使用的5037端口被其他应用程序(豌豆荚.暴风手机助手,sjk_dea…
Eclipse中调试的时候报错 [2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.[2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] You must restart adb and Eclipse.[2014-06-18 13:07:49 - DinnerBooker] Please ensure that adb is co…