JavaScript is a bit confusing for developers experienced in class-based languages (like Java or C++), as it is dynamic and does not provide a class implementation per se (the class keyword is introduced in ES2015, but is syntactical sugar, JavaScript… Inheritance and the prototype chain 继承和 原型 链 JavaScript is a bit confusing for developers experienced in class-based languages (like Java or C++), as it is dy…
Objects have the ability to use data and methods that other objects contain, as long as it lives on the [prototype] chain. In this lesson we’ll test this out by adding properties and working with this linkage of properties. const obj = {firstName: 'T…
原型链(Prototype chain) 原型对象也是普通的对象,并且也有可能有自己的原型,如果一个原型对象的原型不为null的话,我们就称之为原型链(prototype chain). A prototype chain is a finite chain of objects which is used to implemented inheritance and shared properties.原型链是一个由对象组成的有限对象链由于实现继承和共享属性. 想象一个这种情况,2个对象,大部…
illustrating javascript prototype & prototype chain 图解 js 原型和原型链 proto & prototype func; // ƒ func (name) { // = name || `default name`; // } // 构造函数具有一个 prototype 属性, func.prototype; // {constructor: ƒ} // 构造函数的 prototype 属性指向该构造函数的原型对象…
js & object & prototype & proto & prototype chain constructor prototype === instance proto…
prototype chain & prototype & proto prototype chain MDN p…
reading note link:…
参考资料: <javascript权威指南 第六版> <javascript高级程序设计 第二版> 写在前面的话 所谓的原型链就是一个一个的对象通过其__proto__属性连接起来的数据结构 (链).这个数据结构对JS的继承很重要. object a object b object c |----------| |---------| |---------| |__proto__----> |__proto__---->|__proto__----> ... |-…