项目背景 最近,做一个按优先级和时间先后排队的需求.用 Redis 的 sorted set 做排队队列. 主要使用的 Redis 命令有, zadd, zcount, zscore, zrange 等. 测试完毕后,发到线上,发现有大量接口请求返回超时熔断(超时时间为3s). Error日志打印的异常堆栈为: redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Could not get a resource from the po…
第一章.flink实时数仓入门 一.依赖 <!--Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under oneor more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE filedistributed with this work for additional informationregarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this fi…