When designing business classes, a common task is to ensure that a newly created business object is initialized with default property values. This topic explains how different types of properties can be initialized. As an example, a Contact business…
When designing business classes, a common task is to ensure that a newly created business object is initialized with default property values. This topic explains how different types of properties can be initialized. As an example, a Contact business…
对于任何语言来说,函数都是一个重要的组成部分.在ES6以前,从JavaScript被创建以来,函数一直没有大的改动,留下了一堆的问题和很微妙的行为,导致在JavaScript中使用函数时很容易出现错误并且可能需要多余的代码实现一些基本的函数行为.在ES6中,函数有一个质的飞跃的改进,它充分考虑到过去数年间JavaScript开发者的需求和抱怨.与ES5相比,在ES6中使用函数开发不容易出错,而且更加灵活. 带默认参数的函数(Functions with Default Parameter Val…
qml中,普通的属性,需要添加属性名称,属性内容,如 color: “red” 默认属性则可以直接书写,去掉方括号,在写重用的QML组件式比较有用,例如将一个QmL外部资源封装好,内部具体的item,有子对象去填充.见代码 MyColumn.qml文件: import QtQuick 2.0 Item { default property alias col: myCol.children Column { id:myCol anchors.fill: parent } }   main文件:…
This lesson explains how to set rules for business classes and their properties. These rules are validated when an end-user executes a specified operation. This lesson will guide you through implementation of a rule that requires that the Position.Ti…
Python’s handling of default parameter values is one of a few things that tends to trip up most new Python programmers (but usually only once). What causes the confusion is the behaviour you get when you use a “mutable” object as a default value; tha…
This topic describes how to implement a business class, so that one of its properties is calculated based on a property(ies) of the objects contained in the child object collection. 本主题介绍如何实现 Business 类,以便基于子对象集合中包含的对象的属性计算其属性之一. Tip 提示 A complete sa…
In this lesson, you will learn how to set a display format and an edit mask to a business class property. For this purpose, the Task.StartDate, Task.DueDate, Task.PercentCompleted and PhoneNumber.Number properties' display format will be customized u…
In this lesson, you will learn how to check whether or not a property value satisfies a particular rule. For this purpose, the DemoTask.Status property and the MarkCompleted Action will be used. This action should not be executed if the current task…
Property Mappings using Fluent API: Here, we will learn how to configure properties of an entity class using Fluent API. We will use the following Student and Standard domain classes of our school application. public class Student { public Student()…