C language bit byte and word】的更多相关文章

bit:The smallest storage unit of a computer byte:Common computer storage unit word:Computer natural storage unit bit:A binary number.zero or one. byte:1 byte equal to 8 bit .show 0-255 integer word:1 word lengh equal 8bit or 16bit or 32bit.The bigger…
Original Link:  http://hi.baidu.com/vnxuaqndtncrxyr/item/f67c83872cf80cd65e0ec10d Author: 厚积薄发 在Visual C++ 6.0中,BYTE与WORD,DWORD本质上都是一种无符号整型,它们在WINDEF.H中被定义,定义如下: typedef unsigned char BYTE;typedef unsigned short WORD;typedef unsigned long DWORD; 也就是说…
在VS中,BYTE与WORD,DWORD本质上都是一种无符号整型,它们在WINDEF.H中被定义,定义如下: typedef unsigned char       BYTE;typedef unsigned short      WORD;typedef unsigned long       DWORD; 也就是说BYTE是无符号的char型(char型本质上也是一种1个字节的整型),WORD是无符号short型,DWORD是无符号long型.            而在VS中,char型长…
Byte and word issues The MSP430 is byte-addressed, and little-endian. Word operands must be located at even addresses 1 Appending “.b” to an instruction makes it a byte operation. A byte instruction with a register destination clears the high 8 bits…
typedef unsigned short WORD; 16位短整数,可以表示0-65535之间的整数 而char是8位. int和机器类型有关.如16位机,就表示16位.32位机就表示32位 基本概念: 位(Bit):"位"或"比特",是计算机运算的基础: 字节(Byte):"字节"是通过网络传输信息(或在硬盘或内存中存储信息)的单位. 字节是计算机信息技术用于计量存储容量和传输容量的一种计量单位,1个字节等于8位二进制. 在ASCII码中,…
在Visual C++ 6.0中,BYTE与WORD,DWORD本质上都是一种无符号整型,它们在WINDEF.H中被定义,定义如下:typedef unsigned char       BYTE;typedef unsigned short      WORD;typedef unsigned long       DWORD; 也就是说BYTE是无符号的char型(char型本质上也是一种1个字节的整型),WORD是无符号short型,DWORD是无符号long型.             …
Language of FatMouse Time Limit: 10 Seconds      Memory Limit:32768 KB We all know that FatMouse doesn't speak English. But now he has to be prepared since our nation will join WTO soon. Thanks to Turing we have computers to help him. Input Specifica…
题目连接: acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=1109 题目描述: We all know that FatMouse doesn't speak English. But now he has to be prepared since our nation will join WTO soon. Thanks to Turing we have computers to help him. Input Specifica…
word就是16位的数据 随着机器的发展,C++语言本身并没有规定short的位数,不一定是十六位的(随着计算机的发展,可能改变).但word将永远是16位的--机器发展后只需要修改,typedef   WORD   newtype,就可以让其保持16位.在windef.h中定义了类似的:typedef   unsigned   long               DWORD;typedef   int                                   BOOL;typede…
System.SysUtils System::DynamicArray<System::WideChar> TCharArray System::TArray__1<System::WideChar> TCharArray; TCharArray String TBytes byte 编码类型有:ASCII.8BIT.7BIT.UCS2-BIG.UCS2-LIT.UCS2-80.UCS2-81.UCS2-82.UTF-8.UTF-16(Unicode) RawToBytes By…