Install rapyuta client on Raspberry Pi】的更多相关文章

Install rapyuta on client sudo git clone -b master rce cd ~/rce/rapyuta/python-iptables sudo python build sudo python install cd ~/rce/rapyuta/rce sudo…
# -Rapyuta-installation-in-Ubuntu14.04-LTS-Trusty-This gzip folder is a tested version which can install rapyuta in ubuntu14.04(trusty) and run Test demo successfully.The version of rapyuta is only different from official version in rce/setup/provisi…
参考: Raspberry Pi         Get started with Raspberry Pi (RPi), a step by step approach to get your Raspberry Pi with low level electronics hardware control. Make simple, step by step… Step 5: Installing Required Libraries The miner to be installed comes as source files, which means that the program must be compiled into a binary before it can be run. To make a prog…
there are some things to do for raspberry pi 3b for the first time: 1, connect pi with monitor/KB/mouse, then power on it and go into its desktop(by default):expand system up to the whole storage of SD card(it seems to be maximum of 64G by official e…
Raspberry Pi ------For Windows Step 1: In order to write the image for SD,we should download and install Image Writer for Windows Step 2: Download and install putty and connected to serial port Step 3: Plug in the power then start Raspberry Pi and lo…
转自: Virtual servers on a Raspberry Pi with the light weight OS virtualization system Docker! Virtual servers on a Raspberry Pi with the light weight OS virtualization system, Dock…
本文主要利用 Microsoft 提供的 Dockerfile 进行安装. 虽然Raspberry PI 3 CPU支持 armv8 指令集 ,但是在 docker info 还是识别为 " armv7l".所以安装镜像时一律选用 ARMv7 的镜像. 关于树莓派与 .NET Core 需要注意的地方 .NET Core 2.0 支持 Arm32,提供运行时,但不提供SDK .NET Core 2.0 不支持 Pi Zero dotnet 社区对 PI 的使用指南 RaspberryP…
1.   How To Install Linux & Nginx & MySQL & PHP (LEMP) stack on Raspberry Pi 3         Raspberry Pi 3,LEMP,Linux,Nginx,PHP(PHP-FPM), MySQL(MariaDB)           Nginx (pronounced "Engine x") is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP…
how to install GitLab on Raspberry Pi OS GitLab & Raspberry Pi refs xgqfrms 2012-2020 发布文章使用:只允许注册用户才可以访问!…
下文为转载,文章转自:,仅供本次学习实践参考. 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口,木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由,也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购… Posted by dconroy on Jul 10, 2013 in How To's, Raspberry Pi | 142 comments | 143,087 views I’m writing this blog to help anyone wi… 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口, 木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由, 也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购买一个USB无线网卡,可以购买的型号比较多…
  What is this? "Roomblock" is a robot platform consists of a Roomba, a Raspberry Pi 2, a laser sensor(RPLIDAR) and a mobile battery. The mounting frame can be made by 3D printers. ROS navigation system enable to make a map of rooms and use it t…
How to emulate a Raspberry Pi on your PC I am very interested in trying simulators and emulators for popular IoT devices. One of those is the Raspberry Pi. As I was searching for simulators, I found that one of the best ones is QEMU. I found lots of…
Raspberry Pi - Huawei HiLink E3256 3G modem to ethernet adapter This page documents how to configure a Raspberry Pi to act as a USB mobile-broadband-dongle to RJ45 ethernet 'adapter'. This enables mobile-based broadband to feed the 'WAN' port of a co…
在网上看到一篇对树莓派折腾记录比较详细的文章,时间比较早,但是有些东西没变. 对于新手而言,还是有点参考价值.文章参见: 那么什么是Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi是一款针对电脑业余爱好者.教师.小学生以及小型企业等用户的迷你电脑,预装Linux系统,体积仅信用卡大小,搭载ARM架构处理器,运算性能和智能手机相仿.在接口方面,Raspberry Pi提供了可供键鼠使用的USB接口,此…
1.格式化SD卡,用SDFormatter 2.解压下载的操作系统 3.复制操作系统到SD卡(要放在根目录,把最外面的文件夹路径去掉) 4.把SD卡插入raspberry pi,接上电源 5.在启动界面选择要安装的系统,然后点击install 6.10分钟左右的安装等待时间 7.系统安装时配置选项说明:       由于在初始配置的界面上没有看到有网络配置的选项,所以建议在网络环境中一定要有DHCP,也就是能自动获取IP的网络环境.因为Raspbian的各种软件的安装是需要网络连接支持的.需要用…
1. 如何在没有显示器的情况下,查看 Raspberry Pi 3的 IP 信息(Raspberry Pi 3 ,IP Address) 1 IP Address Any device connected to a Local Area Network is assigned an IP address. In order to connect to your Raspberry Pi from another machine using SSH or VNC, you need to know…
Raspberry Pi & Node.js & WebSockets & IM Raspberry Pi 4 nvm & node.js $ curl -o- | bash $ command -v nvm # v12.1.0 $ nvm install node # LTS v10.15.3 # LTS v10.16.0 $ nvm insta…
最近公司有项目想要在树莓派上做,代替原来的工控机(我们是把工控主机当作小的主机用,一台小的工控主机最少也要600左右,而树莓派只要200多).于是,公司买了一个Raspberry Pi B+和一个Raspberry Pi 2 B,并要求能在B+上做就尽量用B+,原因很简单,B+比Raspberry Pi 2要便宜70左右.拿到闻名已久的树莓派之后很是兴奋,试着从官网下载了官方推荐的镜像raspbian,用Win32DiskImager烧录到SD卡上,然后上电,起初屏幕上什么都没显示,不管重新烧写…
参考: Raspberry Pi UART with PySerial   OS: Occidentalis v0.2Hardware: Raspberry Pi Revision B with CobblerSetup: Serial loopback (connect RX and TX pins on GPIO pins) Lin…
参考:RPi Serial Connection 本文来自: Using the UART If you are running Raspbian or similar then the UART will be used as a serial console.  Using a suitable cable, such as…
本文参考 作者 AntMan232 In this instructable, I will explain how to use I2C on the Pi, with the examples of the CMPS03 compass module and SRF08 Ultrasonic range, using python. I will expl…
本文主要用于记录安装过程,以便日后查阅回顾. 之前在自己的树莓派上运行的一直是通过NOOB安装的Raspbian,但是本人平时更喜欢用Fedora作为开发和使用环境,而且Raspbian上的软件包通常更新比较缓慢.因为树莓派2代B型上市前,树莓派的芯片都是armv6或者更早的架构,只能运行ARM架构的Raspbian或者Fedora 18及更早版本.树莓派2代B型搭载的芯片架构是armv7,树莓派3代搭载的芯片架构是armv8,这两种芯片都能够运行ARM架构的Fedora 23,而仅运行Rasp…
树莓派(Raspberry Pi)搭建简单的lamp服务: 1. LAMP 的安装 sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5 php5-gd php5-mysql –安装mysql.apache.php sudo chmod 777 /var/www/ –设置web目录的权限 2. phpmyadmin 安装 sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin –安装后选择apache2 3.配置 sudo…
ABSTRACT There are two main methods for building the kernel. You can build locally on a Raspberry Pi which will take a long time; or you can cross-compile, which is much quicker.There is an introduction about cross-compilation as follows. You need ub… 曾经看到很多文章把Raspberry Pi制作成无线AP,但是我今天要做的是把Raspberry Pi做成一个有NAT功能的路由器,我做这个的初衷是因为到荷兰出差后发现我的bambook无法接入宿舍里的WiFi,也许是因为宿舍无线路由器是WEP的认证方式,总之死活连不上.后来决定用Raspberry Pi+北极星光无线路由器来解决问题. 思路: [无线路由器]-----[无线网卡--Raspberr…
[quote ]ffmpeg, gstreamer, Raspberry Pi, Windows Desktop streaming This is a work still in progress with unsatisfactory results (image quality, delay, very low fram…
2013-05-21 买的树莓派终于到手了,嘿嘿.我在官方代理ICKEY买的,是英国版,B型. 上手教程可以根据Getting Started with Raspberry Pi(网上有电子版免费下载),中文版可以参考 树莓派Raspberry Pi上手报告 和 Raspberry Pi(树莓派)试用小记 ,具体过程不再赘述. 我在安装过程中遇到的最大问题是无线网卡的配置.无线网卡要选择Raspberry Pi兼容的,兼容的硬件和相关硬件需要注意的问题参见 RPi VerifiedPeriphe…