public class Linq { MXSICEDataContext Db = new MXSICEDataContext(); // LINQ to SQL // Count/Sum/Min/Max/Avg // Count public void Count() { // 说明:返回集合中的元素个数,返回 INT 类型:不延迟.生成 SQL 语句为: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM //简单形式 性能差 var count = Db.MXSMemeber.Count(); /…
JS中Float类型加减乘除 修复 MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ &0000027─╄OvЁ MXS&Vincene MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ:今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但是绝大部分人是死在明天晚上,只有那些真正的英雄才能见到后天的太阳. MXS&Vincene ─╄OvЁ:We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here? 正文…
一般的,我们会在where, 或者 having中加条件,count中只是某个字段 今天看到另外一种写法,不知道性能怎么样 select count( case when xxx>10 and yyy<99 then bbb else null end) cm1, count( case when xxx>20 and yyy<1 then ccc else null end) cm2 from xxxx 基本原理是 使用了数据库count(null)时返回的是0 count(非n…
If you are ever unsure what to put inside a COUNT() aggregation, you can do COUNT(1) to count the rows in each group. Most people find it especially readable, because we know it's not focusing on other columns. It also scans less data than if supplie…