SOLUTION VERIFIED February 5 2014 KB340153 Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (All Versions) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (All Versions) Issue Need to configure VLAN on bonded interface and a bridge on top of this VLAN tagged bonded interface. Reso…
SOLUTION VERIFIED April 27 2013 KB26727 Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Issue How to create a bridge using a tagged vlan (8021.q) interface? Resolution Create the VLAN interface (here using eth0) # vi /etc/sysconfig/…
environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 or later KVM virtual machines question How do I configure a bridged network interface for KVM using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later? On RHEL 6, what is the recommend…
SOLUTION VERIFIED October 13 2015 KB39674 KB741413 environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 question Suppose I want a VLAN ID of 192 for the eth0 on a RHEL 5 or 6 system.…
SOLUTION IN PROGRESS February 29 2016 KB2181361 environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Teaming,Bridge NetworkManager-1.0.6-27 and above question Is it possible to add a bridge interface over a team interface? ens3 --| |--- team0 -- bridge0 + (ipv4 ad…
The Laws of Reflection 原文地址 第一次翻译文章,请各路人士多多指教! 类型和接口 因为映射建设在类型的基础之上,首先我们对类型进行全新的介绍. go是一个静态性语言,每个变量都有静态的类型,因此每个变量在编译阶段中有明确的变量类型,比如像:int.float32.MyType... 比如: type MyInt int var i int var j MyInt 变量i的类型为int,变量j的类型为MyInt,变量i.j具有确定的类型,虽然i.j的潜在类型是一样的,但是在…
问题: 在整合spring+cxf时报错java.util.Map is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces. 解决方法: 将服务端的services接口返回的Map类型的值改为HashMap. 因为在做webService复杂类型值传递时,返回值的类型不要用接口类型.例如List应该改为ArrayList,Map改为HashMap等.…
abstract的用法: //通过abstract 关键字修饰的类叫抽象类. abstract class Animal { String name; String color; abstract public void run ();//抽象方法是没有主体,没有方法的具体实现. public void eat (){ System.out.println("动物在吃东西"); } } //一非抽象的类继承了抽象类,必须实现抽象类中的所有方法. class Dog extends An…
报错: [ERROR] Terminal initialization failed; falling back to unsupported java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class jline.Terminal, but interface was expected at jline.TerminalFactory.create( at jline.TerminalFactory.…
Wireshark设置interface 时提示“There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done ” 解决方法: 今天在电脑上安装了WIRESHARK软件,在设置interface 时提示"There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done" 提示没有任何一个网络接口准备好.此提示明显是不对的, 我的网卡明明可以正常上网,网络接口怎么会没有准备好呢? 想着应该是和…