Once upon a time, there was a land. 从前,有个国度. It was ruled by an evil queen. 它被一位邪恶的女王统治. Every day the Queen would look in her magic mirror. 女王每天都会照照她的魔镜. She would ask, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" 她会问:“魔镜啊,墙上的魔…
Once upon a time there was a woman who wanted to have a child. 从前,有个想要个孩子的女人. A witch heard her wish and said, "Take this seed and plant it. Your wish will come true." 一个女巫听到了她的愿望便对她说:“把这颗种子拿去种,你的愿望会实现.” The woman planted the seed. 这个女人把种子拿去种了.…
Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a real princess.从前,有个王子想和真正的公主结婚. He looked all over the country.他找遍了整个国家. But he could not find the right princess to marry.但是他没有找到合适的公主结婚. One stormy night, there was a knock at the castle doo…
Many years ago on a cold and snowy New Year's Eve, a poor little girl was wandering arround on the street. 许多年前,在一个寒冷还下着雪的新年前夜,一个可怜的小女孩在街上徘徊. She tried to sell her matches. 她想把火柴卖出去. So she could buy something to eat. 这样,她就能买东西吃. She was very cold an…
Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen. 从前,有个国王和王后. They had a beautiful daughter. 他们有一个漂亮的女儿. One day an angry bad witch appeared on her birthday. 一天,一位生气的坏巫婆出现在她生日那天. "I'm going to cast a spell on the princess. She will prick herself on a n…
看过好多帖子都是Win环境装XS,Mac只是个模拟器,讲解在Mac环境下如何配置Xamarin Studio很少,也是一点点找资料,东拼西凑才把Xamarin Studio装在Mac上跑起来,如下: 看起来和Xcode差不多是吧,相比体验性还是没Xcode好,毕竟原生苹果爸爸自己做的.. 好了 ,首先先要下载一个Xamarin Studio For Mac 最好下最新版的,反正迟早也会更新,我用的是5.2的升级到最新的 点开后发现打不开,这是因为需要一个pkg,这个pkg叫MonoFramewo…
在做APP的iPad版本设计时,我们常常需要考虑:如何在延续iPhone版本设计特色和优点同时,充分利用iPad的特性更好地进行设计.本文从iPad和iPhone的差异性入手,试图总结这一设计过程中需要注意的问题. 一.视图之变屏幕尺寸的差异直接影响到用户可见的视图范围和应用的信息布局.iPhone5: 屏幕4.0英寸 分辨率1136×640: New iPad:屏幕9.7英寸, 分辨率 2048×1536 1.1全屏切换与视觉稳定性由于屏幕空间限制,iPhone上不同内容之间的切换通常通过全屏…
WordCount在大数据领域就像学习一门语言时的hello world,得益于Storm的开源以及Storm.Net.Adapter,现在我们也可以像Java或Python一样,使用Csharp创建原生支持的Storm Topologies.下面我将通过介绍wordcount来展示如何使用Csharp开发Storm拓扑. 上篇博客已经介绍了如何部署Storm开发环境,本文所讲述demo已包含在Storm.Net.Adapter中,如果你觉得对你有帮助,欢迎Star和Fork,让更多人看到来帮助…
问题导读:1.你认为什么图形可以显示hadoop与storm的区别?(电梯)2.本文是如何形象讲解hadoop与storm的?(离线批量处理.实时流式处理)3.hadoop map/reduce对应storm那两个概念?(spout/bolt)4.storm流由谁来组成?(Tuples)5.tuple具体是什么形式? 什么是Storm?Storm是: 快速且可扩展伸缩 容错 确保消息能够被处理 易于设置和操作 开源的分布式实时计算系统 最初由Nathan Marz开发 使用Java 和 Cloj…